Seven Years’ War
English colonies in North America all had their own governments. The English monarch had ultimate authority over the colonies. English monarchs chose governors to be the heads of the colonies. (besides Connecticut)
In 1685 King James II was determined to take control over the English government in England and in the colonies. Parliament passed the English Bill of Rights- (1689) this act reduced the powers of the English monarch This gave more power to Parliament
The Great Awakening-A religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730’s- 1740s. Jonathan Edwards was an important leader in the Great Awakening. Told sinners to seek forgiveness for their sins or face punishment in Hell forever.
1600s- Europeans began to re-examine their world. Scientists began to better understand the basic laws that govern nature. Scientific Revolution Enlightenment- movement which took place during the 1700s, spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society John Locke- Philosopher who thought people had natural rights such as equality and liberty. – Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution
Natives started developing trade relations with the colonists. What do you believe the natives wanted from the colonists? What did the colonists want from the natives? French- traded with the Algonquian and Huron tribes. English- traded with the Iroquois Nation Most tribes trusted the French over the English, but Native Americans helped both sides
Until the mid-1700s, France and Great Britain struggled for control of North America. Ohio River Valley Forts were set up by the French George Washington- tried building a fort but surrendered to the French. This surrender started the French and Indian War Fighting in Europe began. (Seven Years’ War)
Britain and France signed the Treaty of Paris, officially ending the war. This treaty changed the territories in North America dramatically.
King George III issued the Proclamation Line of This law banned British settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. This law also ordered settlers to leave the Ohio River Valley.
Wars are expensive $$$. Great Britain gained more territory. King George III issued the Proclamation of What do you think will end up happening? Think-pair-share