Some Indian tribes and their localisation. Bava Emilie Viardot Stella
The Indians Christopher Columbus first met Natives in He called them « Indians » because he believed he had arrived in India but he was in reality in America.
Some famous tribes. 1)The Apaches They are a set of Indian tribes of North America living in the southwest of the United States and sharing the same language. The Navajos speak a very close language. Nomads and hunters, wild warriors attacking farmers and opposing later the Spanish settlers, then the Mexicans and the Americans, they were finally overcome and decimated by the latter at the end of the 19 th century and their descendants live in reservations today.
The « Nez perce » The Nez Perce lived in scattered villages in the Plains, West of the Rocky Mountains. They were excellent horsemen. The « nez perce » lived in the valley of wallowa, in the Northeast of Oregon But, the « nez perce » were hunted by Lewis and Clark during the western conquest. Chief Joseph made negotiation for the liberation of his people but he failed. They tried to join the Sioux but they were defeated by the settlers.
The Sioux The Sioux lived in the plains of the North. They were hunted by colonists and had to run away. They attacked settlers and went on the warpath. Apaches sioux Nez perce