Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Trainer Name Ministry 培训者姓名 事工 Opening Slide Trainer Name Ministry 培训者姓名 事工 Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Introduction 简介 Methodologies: Storytelling, Analytical Questioning, Dramatization, Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Stories are very powerful - The concept of story – of the concept of a worldview Illustrations of how powerful our stories are: Jose Kornegay** – American with an American education of nursing. Joined the Peace Corps and went to Sierra Leone and began to teach microbiology in a local university. Her students were very smart, studied hard and all the students passed their exams and Jose was very happy. The last day of class she gave her students an evaluation so she could teach better next time. At the end of the class, her students were thanking her for her course and one student raised her hand and again said, “Miss Jose, thank you for teaching us what the white people believe about how people get sick. Would you like to know how people really get sick?” Jose was disturbed and confused, but said “Yes, please tell me.” Her student explained that “Here in Africa we know about the spirit world and everyone knows that at night the demons come in and bite a person on the back and this is how everyone REALLY gets sick.” What did Jose not consider in her teaching? Her worldview and her student’s worldview. Two very different worldviews with two different stories. Prince Henry the Navigator** – 14th Century man - His nickname was because he loved to explore. Hired a ship to find the sea route to India from Portugal. The ship returned within a week and told Henry that they could not go to India because they “came to the end of the world”. Henry was patient and yet determined and hired another ship and commissioned it to find the sea route to India. The ship came back within a couple weeks and the captain said, “We could not find the sea route because we came to the end of the world.” Henry was not deterred. In the next 10 years he hired 13 ships to sail this mission, but all returned with the same story. So Henry hired a 14th ship and when they set sail, about a week into their journey they encountered a huge storm! This storm blew them totally off course. When the storm passed, what did they find? They were past the end of the world and continued to sail up the East African coast and on to India. Spanish Sahara – a place on the coast that has a HUGE sandbar along the coast. As you approach it, the waters get shallower and shallower and the currents are very strange – what did the people determine from seeing this? They came to the end of the world. What is the end of the world? The map in their mind. They had been taught that if you sail too far to the south or too far to the west, you will come to the end of the world. So what did they conclude when they saw the sandbar? That they were at the end of the world. What limited their discovery? The map in their mind. What is a worldview and how does it work? Worldview is like a set of glasses–glasses for the mind. What do your glasses help you do? See better. Imagine having a set of glasses on your mind. All day you look through your glasses. They determine what you see, how you see the world and that will determine what kind of community you will build. One thing we don’t do is take off our glasses and look at them. Wow – I have nice glasses!! Do you like my glasses? We look through our glasses but rarely look at them – we rarely examine our glasses, our worldview. Object lesson – 2 sets of glasses. Have them explain what they see – have them convince each other to see what they believe the room is like because of what they see. Modern Stories 当代故事 What is a worldview? 什么是世界观? Last updated 7/07
Cape Bojador 博哈多尔角
The Worldview Story 关于世界观的叙述 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Worldview Story 关于世界观的叙述 Ultimate Man Nature History Reality 最高实在 人类 自然 历史 Animism 泛神论/ 万物有灵论 Biblical Theism 圣经中的 一神论 Secularism 世俗主义 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: There are first 3 Primary Worldviews Transformation begins with the renewing of our mind. Being born again, again in our mind! Africa example** – African gods are capricious and lead you around by the nose and impose bad things on you. To have them stop doing bad things, what must you do? You appease them, bribe them. This is how things work – so you bribe to survive. If we now worship a just God – what kind of culture will we create? A just culture God wants to change the lenses of our glasses. Remove the animistic, materialistic lens and exchange them for biblical lenses. How do we see women? Do real men beat their wives? Now I become a Christian and I have new glasses. How do I see her – not as an object or possession, but as one who is created in the image of God. Worldviews are very powerful – they will determine what someone sees and how they will live, what kind of culture and nations will be built. Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Romans 12:2 罗马书12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” “不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。” How does this passage relate to what we have been talking about? 这段经文与我们所谈论的有何联系? Romans 12:1-2 Read this around your tables – discuss what this means in relationship to what we are discussing. What is this passage telling you? Give 5 minutes. Have groups discuss this. We must be born again, again. We need a biblical mind. Where does the transformation begin? In the renewing of the mind – if your mind is not renewed, you will not be transformed. Transformation begins with the renewing of our mind. We need to repent We normally think of repenting as a feeling. The Greek word repent is Meta-noia which literally means to change one’s mind or to be re-minded. We need to repent from what we think – to change our mind and be re-minded of the truth. Illustrations**: My culture says – women are inferior The Bible says – Women are made in the image of God. My culture says – work is a curse The Bible says – work gives dignity. I must repent – and call women and work, what God calls them. We need new lenses in our mind: We are made in the image of God. We are made to create history. Things don’t have to be the same as they were with my grandparents; they can be different with my children. We must teach this, but we don’t teach it and our minds have not been renewed – (reminded of what God says). Last updated 7/07
Ideas Have Consequences 观念产生结果 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Ideas Have Consequences 观念产生结果 Fruit = Consequences 果子 = 结果 Branches = Behavior 树枝 = 行为 Trunk = Values 树干 = 价值观 Roots = Belief System 树根 = 信仰体系 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: It says in Proverbs, “As a man thinkith, so he is.” Another way of saying this is “Ideas Have Consequences” There is a relationship between how we think and the way things are in our lives. Give some examples** - How I think about women, how I think about work, what will I do Similar to the relationships of the different part of a tree Beliefs are like the roots of a tree – what I believe is true. Values are like the trunk of the tree – what I think is good and bad. Behaviors are the branches of the tree – behaviors that come from my values. Consequences are the fruit of the tree – consequences that come from my behaviors. Give an example of one value – like Machismo – “Men are superior to women” is a value. Look at the relationship of the root to the fruit – we can pretend it isn’t there, or we can try to pick all the fruit off. But will that solve the problem? No, the same fruit will appear. Most of us function at the level of the consequences and behavior BUT IF WE WANT TO CHANGE THE FRUIT, WE MUST CHANGE THE ROOT. The BIBLE changes the roots!! If we understand this isn’t just a spiritual book, but a book about all of life. Hopefully – while you are in this conference, you will have your lenses changed and then you will look at what this means for the local church and what this means for how the church engages in the local society – then what does this mean for business, healthcare, education, development, journalism, media. Again, we need to be reminded – to repent. Last updated 7/07
The Spread of Ideas 思想的传播 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Spread of Ideas 思想的传播 Horizontal 横向传播 Ideas travel around the globe, from one area to another. 思想在全地上传播,从一个地区至另一个地区。 Ideas pass to future generations. 思想代代相传。 Ideas diffuse into cultures through classes of people. 思想通过各阶层的人渗透入文化中。 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ideas Spread Horizontal – The Bible tell us to take the gospel first to Jerusalem, then Judea, then Samaria and then to where? The ends of the earth. The gospel is supposed to travel around the world from nation to nation. We have been focusing on this to reach all peoples of the earth. Time – Passes from one generation to another Many people will do the same thing their parents did. Ukraine story** - Wonderful Ukrainian cook – excellent meat roast. The secret of her roast beef. Cutting the end off before putting it in the pan. Why? Mom did it, Grandma did it. Why – a small pan. Guatemalan community** - an agricultural issue that World Vision technicians could solve, but the community wouldn’t use it because they only would do what their fathers and grandfathers had done before. The solution to the issue was relatively easy to solve technically, but was very difficult to get the people to do something new that their forefathers did not do. It doesn’t matter if they are good ideas or bad ones, they will be passed on. Vertically – Ideas also penetrate culture. Unfortunately the Church has forgotten this for the past 100 years. Good ideas will change culture for the good. Bad ideas will enslave a culture. We have been interested in seeing the Gospel moving around the world, but we have lost the ideas for how the gospel is to penetrate the culture. Temporal 跨越时间的传播 Vertical 纵向传播 Last updated 7/07
Ideas Spread Through Culture 思想通过文化传播 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Ideas Spread Through Culture 思想通过文化传播 The Intellectuals (religion, philosophy) 知识分子(信仰, 哲学) The Balladeers (popular music, the arts) 民间艺人 (通过各类艺术形式) The Professionals (law, politics, economics) 专业人士 (法律, 政治, 经济) The Common 普通民众 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: How do ideas penetrate through a culture? The Intellectuals – Highly educated thinkers-professors, religious leaders-monks There are Christians in your church who are intellectuals – is anyone listening to them? Often highly educated; they love to think and ask questions. They are the professors in universities, monks and priests in monasteries. Not afraid of asking questions and they love to reflect and look for the answers to questions that people have. They create new theories and ideas and then share them with their students. Are there people like this in your church? Are they encouraged? Are they engaged in the thinking life of the Church? Illustrations – Pol Pot** - Young Cambodian mentored by a French professor to change society. The professor had an idea that modern society is not good, the agrarian society is better. The student went back to his nation to put this idea into practice – He killed all those who wore glasses. Shut down the cities. In 3 years 1.5-3 million people out of 9 million were killed. The Balladeers – These are artists: singers, songwriters, painters, poets, book writers, film makers, dancers They hear the new ideas and use their gifts and talents to share these ideas creatively. Illustration: Arts Festival Teaching** - Madonna is in Japan singing in concerts @ $1000 per person Darrow asking the question – What is Madonna doing in Japan? – She is discipling a nation. The Church should be the “well-spring for the arts” for the nation Pastors should support the artists and see the potential for discipleship The arts are not just for corporate worship or evangelism – there is a place for this, but this isn’t all the arts are for God is beautiful and the arts are part of expressing beauty for our cultures. The arts are to be a prophetic voice to our culture – To speak truth and bring beauty and justice. “ If you want to know where a society will be in the next generation, listen to the music of this generation.” “Give me the artists and I will not need the lawyers” Plato – The artists are at the forefront of creating culture. Illustration: Darrow’s Puerto Rico Trip** - Teaching on the maternal heart of God – women hearing that they are made to manifest the very nature of God and the machismo men began to weep because of how they had seen and treated women all their lives. Men repenting. Showing the fruit of this time – 12 popular songs on the dignity of women, a movie about a woman. All new balladeers being developed to impact culture. 3. The Professionals Need professionals to speak, model and promote systems for the biblical truth to be incorporated into our culture These ideas get cemented into culture by the this group Illustration – Laws are being made in your area** The Church must wake up and be the transformation agent God has intended 4. The General Population These are the ones that get hurt the most by the lies or are blessed by truth Review the process of penetrating culture As the Church – Are you consciously encouraging, commissioning and sending out members to be missionaries in the culture? Last updated 7/07
Transforming Society 转变社会 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Transforming Society 转变社会 Methodologies: Diagram Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: How will we see a nation transformed? We need to see people come to Christ but that is not sufficient. People must have a transformed mind – We must be reborn in our thinking, and we must begin to think like Christians. We need to plant churches, but what kind of churches? But these are just the beginning of the task. The next step is to reform culture. The word “culture” is derived from “cult” – that which we worship If you worship gods that are capricious, you will create a culture of bribery and corruption. Illustration** – You see a policeman on the street – he pulls you over and whether you do anything wrong or not, what does he want? Money. If you give him money, you move on, but if you don’t he will give you trouble. This doesn’t just happen with the police – immigration, grades for school, jobs, etc. The gods are capricious – they can be bribed – this creates culture. Deut. 10:17 – Our God can not be bribed – this is the nature of our God. He is a just God!! Rom 12:2 – Our minds must be renewed. Finally, we then need to rebuild our societies. Illustration** - Switzerland statue of Lady Justice – their society’s structure reflects biblical values. Rebuilt Societies 社会重建 Reformed Cultures 文化改革 Repentant Souls & Regenerated Lives 得救的灵魂与重生的生命 Gospel – Renewed Minds – Discipled Nations 福音 – 心意更新变化 – 使万民做主门徒 Consequences – Behavior – Values – Beliefs 结果 – 行为 – 价值观 – 信念 Last updated 7/07
The Role of the Church in Society 教会在社会中所扮演的角色 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Role of the Church in Society 教会在社会中所扮演的角色 John 17:15-19 约翰17:15-19 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration, Summarization Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read John 17:15-19 Have the small groups answer these questions – Jesus is praying for the Church and He is praying for the role of the Church in society. What did Jesus say is to be the relationship between the Church and the world? Write in one sentence the principle of what Jesus is praying here. This is the High Priestly Prayer – Jesus is praying for the relationship of His disciples with the world. What is Jesus not praying? – Father, take them out of the world. Why? He wants them IN the world. Just as He is IN the world. What did Jesus say is to be the relationship between the Church and the world? 耶稣就教会与世界的关系作了怎样的阐述? Last updated 7/07
Disengaged: In the Church and Out of the World 脱离:在教会内,不在世界上 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Disengaged: In the Church and Out of the World 脱离:在教会内,不在世界上 Methodologies: Visual Picture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Many have acted as if this is what Jesus prayed. He does not want us outside of the world – Why? We are the agents of reconciliation He wants us to influence the world 通往天堂 通向死亡 Last updated 7/07
Conformed: Indistinguishable from the World 效法:与世界没有分别 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Conformed: Indistinguishable from the World 效法:与世界没有分别 Methodologies: Visual Picture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Today many churches have become like this – indistinguishable from the world Saved, but still living with the worldview of the culture. Conformed to the dominant cultural story If the Church is not discipling the nation, the nation will disciple the Church. 通向死亡 Last updated 7/07
Impacting the World: In the World but not of the World 影响世界:在世上却不属世界 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Impacting the World: In the World but not of the World 影响世界:在世上却不属世界 Methodologies: Visual Picture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Jesus is praying – We are to be IN the world, but not one with or like the world. We are to be salt We are to be light We are to be people of the Book wherever we are – Christians on Monday as well as Sunday The Church has started to focus on the size of the church as a measurement or standard for success as numbers. This is not a biblical standard! The Biblical standard of success is IMPACT. Is the Church having an impact in the community? Is the community changing to reflect more of the Kingdom of God? This is God’s plan for discipling the nations!! We are to be externally focused and not internally focused. TO LIFE 引到生命 通向死亡 Last updated 7/07
Gathered and Scattered 聚集与分散 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Gathered and Scattered 聚集与分散 Methodologies: Diagram, Storytelling, Quotes Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This is a diagram that reflects the way a church is to function. What is the Church? Our language even reflects that the church is a building. “I’m going to go to church tomorrow. I have a prayer meeting at church on Friday.” When we say this, how are we envisioning the Church? A structure with programs – the bigger and the more people and programs, the better we are as pastors. We tend to not think of the Church as a body of people in the world, impacting the world. The Church is NOT a building; it is a people. The Church gathers on Sunday for worship and to equip the saints for the work of service (white arrows) The Church scatters on Monday – these are the same people that gathered on Sunday – to serve and disciple in the community where they work on Monday. (Black arrows) Our understanding of what the Church is will have consequences for what the Church does. If they see the Church as His people, they are the Church on Sunday and on Monday and the whole week. If they see the Church as a building, they are only the church on Sunday. Os Guinness quote – “God has his people where he wants them; the problem is they are not being his people where they are.” Trip in Nigeria** Traveling in Nigeria. The best day to travel is Sunday – because all those who require bribes to drive on the roads are in church – the Church is to be the Church on Monday and not just Sunday. Going to Church in Hawaii** Rock Band and radical pastor – He said to his congregation, “Do you know what we are doing here today, this is half-time.” In football, what happens during half-time? New instructions from the coach, analyzing the game, rest, built up and inspired. Sunday morning is half-time in the Church. The pastors must coach, inspire, encourage, build up the people of the Body of Christ. Why don’t we think this way? Gathered for worship & equipping 为敬拜和装备而聚集 Scattered for service & discipling the nations 为服事和传福音而分散 Last updated 7/07
Kingdom Culture: Lived and Proclaimed 国度的文化: 活出来并宣告 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Kingdom Culture: Lived and Proclaimed 国度的文化: 活出来并宣告 Biblical Metaphysic TRUTH 圣经形而上学 真理 Biblical Aesthetic BEAUTY 圣经美学 美善 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: There are three aspects of Kingdom Culture Truth – Biblical Metaphysic Justice (Goodness) – Biblical Ethic Beauty – Biblical Aesthetic Can be called the cultural trinity These reflect the nature of God They define each other The Truth is Good and Beautiful The Good is Beautiful and True The Beautiful is Holy and True Biblical Ethic 圣经道德观 JUSTICE 公义 Kingdom Culture 国度的文化 Last updated 7/07
The Great Commission 大使命 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Great Commission 大使命 GEO-GRAPHIC 地域上 Jerusalem Judea Samaria Ends of Earth (Acts 1:8) 耶路撒冷 犹太全地 撒玛利亚 直到地极(使徒行传1:8) DEMO-GRAPHIC 人口上 All Nations or “people groups” (Matthew 28:19) 列国“万族” (马太福音28:19) KTIZO-GRAPHIC* 所有受造的 All Creation (Mark 16:15) 万民 (马可福音16:15) Methodologies: Lecture, Small Groups Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Is the Great Commission “one thing” – saving souls for heaven, or is it comprehensive? In small groups – Study Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15 In one sentence – How would you describe the focus of each text? Or In one word – How would you describe the focus of each text? The Great Commission is comprehensive Ends of the earth All nations All creation * KTIZOGRAPHIC is a construct of two Greek words: KTIZO, the root for KTISIS, meaning creature or creation and GRAPHO, meaning to describe or delineate. Last updated 7/07
Three Dimensions of The Great Commission 大使命的三个方面 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Three Dimensions of The Great Commission 大使命的三个方面 GEOGRAPHIC 地域上 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done 祢的国降临 祢的旨意成就 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: KTIZOGRAPHIC 所有受造的 DEMOGRAPHIC 人口上 on earth as it is in heaven 在地上如同在天上 Last updated 7/07
Kingdom Culture and the Great Commission 国度文化和大使命 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Kingdom Culture and the Great Commission 国度文化和大使命 BEAUTY 美善 GEOGRAPHIC 地域上 JUSTICE 公义 KTIZOGRAPHIC 所有受造物 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done 祢的国降临 祢的旨意成就 TRUTH 真理 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are to infuse Kingdom Culture into the Great Commission The Work is : Progressive (it grows) – Isaiah 9:7 Until Christ returns Matt. 28:20b Kingdom Culture 国度文化 DEMOGRAPHIC 人口上 Infusion on earth as it is in heaven 在地上如同在天上 渗透 Progress (Isaiah 9:7): “of the increase of his government… there will be no end” 进展(以赛亚书9:7) “祂的政权与平安必增加无穷…从今直到永远” Time (Matt. 28:20b) “until the end of the age” 时间(马太福音28: 20b) “直到世界的末了” Last updated 7/07
The Loss of a Biblical Worldview 符合圣经的世界观的流失 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Loss of a Biblical Worldview 符合圣经的世界观的流失 Why are we no longer telling the whole story of God’s Big Agenda? 为何我们不再述说神大计划的整个故事了呢? Methodologies: Question Asking, Small Group Exercise Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Why don’t we think this way? If time allows, you can have small groups talk about their answer to this question. How have we lost the understanding of the biblical nature of the Church? 我们如何失去了合乎圣经的关于教会性质的理解? Last updated 7/07
Biblical Theism 合乎圣经的神学观念 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Biblical Theism 合乎圣经的神学观念 GOD 神 Creation 受造物 Methodologies: Diagram, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This is a picture of the worldview of the Bible – Old Testament and New Testament, and was the worldview of the world until about 200 years ago and of the Church until about 100 years ago. God exists Creation exists And God has a relationship with creation Last updated 7/07
Biblical Worldview 合乎圣经的世界观 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Biblical Worldview 合乎圣经的世界观 GOD is transcendent standing outside of creation 神是超乎万有,并存在于受造物之外的 GOD is immanent in His creation 神无所不在地 存在于祂的创造中 Methodologies: Diagram, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Transcendent - He is outside of creation Immanent – God is also present in creation In His Being In History Of the incarnation Holy Spirit indwells the life of the believer The forefathers understood this and had a Latin term called – Coram Deo Being 本质、生命 History 历史 Incarnation 道成肉身 Indwelling HS 圣灵内住 Last updated 7/07
Coram Deo: before the face of God 在神面前 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Coram Deo: before the face of God 在神面前 GOD 神 Methodologies: Diagram, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Coram Deo – Before the face of God Illustration**: Woman with the sign in her kitchen – “Worship services here three times a day.” Her husband was a carpenter. On Monday morning, he would go to work, turn his heart toward heaven and pray, “This is your furniture shop; I have come to worship you today.” What do you think was the quality of his work? He is the Lord of faith and also the Lord of reason He is the Lord of science and theology He is the Lord of the arts and of evangelism He is the Lord of all Abraham Kuyper** “There is not one square inch of all of human existence of which Christ does not cry out – MINE!!!” The hospital is mine The factory is mine The school is mine The home is mine The bank is mine We don’t think the way our forefathers thought – Why not? Faith Science Business Missions Justice Devotional Life Art Bread 信仰 科学 商业 使命 公义 灵修生活 艺术 饮食 Reason Theology Ethics Politics Evangelism Nature Community Service Gospel 推理 神学 道德 政治 布道 自然 社区服务 福音 Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Deism 自然神论 GOD 神 Cosmos 宇宙 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We need to look at a bit of history to understand what has happened to us. * What is different in this diagram? The lines are gone. At the time of the French Revolution The people wanted to be free from God God still exists and the cosmos exists BUT The lines from God are gone because God no longer has a relationship with creation View of God as the watchmaker – He made it and has stepped away to let it work itself out. This worldview did not last very long. Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Secularism 世俗主义 ? Nature 自然 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This became the new worldview – Secularism God is dead What is real is nature Charles Darwin created the theory and the metaphysical story to make this worldview plausible Before, we had to have a God to explain our existence Now we didn’t need God to explain how we got here Now the theory of evolution is believed to be fact and it is taught in our school systems all over the world This is the worldview that dominates Western culture and education. Last updated 7/07
Coram Deo: before the face of God 在神面前 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Coram Deo: before the face of God 在神面前 GOD 神 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Instead of defending the Biblical Worldview –the leadership of the Church acted like an ostrich. 信仰 科学 商业 宣教 音乐艺术 公义 灵修 饮食 推理 神学 道德 政治 布道 自然 社会服务 福音 Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Don’t Hide! 不要躲藏 Methodologies: Metaphor Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The Church became like this ostrich – stuck its head in the sand. They told the Church " Stop asking questions; just believe." They separated their faith from the rest of their life. The ostrich: It is tall and fast, but it can’t fly and is very dumb. When an ostrich sees a lion, it runs away. When it runs from the lion, it finds a place to put its head in a hole. What happens to the lion –the lion “disappears”. For a brief moment, the ostrich thinks it is very smart What happens next? The lion eats the ostrich for lunch This is what the leadership of the Church did with questions 100 years ago. Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Church Divided 教会的分裂 Secularism 世俗主义 Church 教会 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: There were two different reactions to this new worldview in the Church: 1. A group in the Church that accommodated this new way of thinking – known as the Liberals Involved in social action – the social gospel New worldview – liberation gospel 2. The other group reacted against this new worldview – wanting to stick to the fundamentals of the faith that are now known as the Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Charismatics. They separated spiritual things from secular things Illustrations: share personal examples of this Accommodation “Liberals” 迁就融合 “自由派” Old-Line Denominations 历史悠久的宗派 Reaction 回应 “Fundamentalists” “基要派“ Evangelicals 福音派 Pentecostals 五旬节派 Charismatics 灵恩派 Last updated 7/07
The Greek Dichotomy 古希腊的二元论 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Greek Dichotomy 古希腊的二元论 Faith信仰 Theology神学 Ethics道德 Missions宣教 Devotional Life灵修生活 Gospel福音 Higher more important 高的 是重要的 Sunday 礼拜天 GRACE 恩典 SPIRITUAL (sacred) 属灵的 (神圣的) Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Instead of defending the biblical worldview, they adopted the ancient Greek worldview. The Greeks divided the world between the spiritual and the sacred The spiritual world is superior and the physical world is inferior Spiritual things – Faith, Theology, Missions, etc Worldly things – The arts, business, politics, etc The spiritual was more important and the physical was less important This is dualism – it is not wholistic thinking. Illustration** - Have you ever heard anyone say, “I want to go into full-time Christian service”? What are we saying? If I’m a farmer, the way to be a godly believer is to leave my job to do spiritual work. What if you are a businessman, a farmer, a mechanic or a Christian? Everyone that isn’t a pastor, evangelist or missionary – that means they are part-time Christians. This is not biblical. Reason推理 Science科学 Business/economics 商业/经济 Politics政治 Art/music艺术/音乐 Physical ministry实质部门 Bread饮食 Lower less important 低的 是不重要的 Weekdays 周间 PHYSICAL (secular) 物质的 (世俗的) NATURE 自然 Last updated 7/07
Evangelical Gnosticism 诺斯底福音派 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Evangelical Gnosticism 诺斯底福音派 Secular 世俗的 Sacred 神圣的 GOD 神 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: God is the God of the spiritual – He is not interested in the secular This worldview led people to think that God is only interested in spiritual things and not secular things. A divided worldview Dualism Syncretism Last updated 7/07
Evangelical Gnosticism 诺斯底福音派 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Evangelical Gnosticism 诺斯底福音派 Moral 道德上 *Faith信心 *Grace恩典 *Missions宣教 *Ethics道德 Sacred 神圣的 *神学Theology *传福音Evangelism *门徒训Discipleship *灵修Devotions Natural自然的 GOD 神 Physical 物质的 * Works工作 * Reason推理 * Business商业 Politics政治 Secular 世俗的 *科学Science *经济Economics *传媒Mass Media *艺术The Art ‘Physical’ Ministries - Social Justice ‘实质’部门 - 社会公正 Weekdays 周间 Spiritual Disciplines/Warfare 属灵操练, 属灵争战 Sundays 礼拜天 Spiritual 属灵的 Methodologies: Lecture, storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This worldview began to split or divide our worlds This worldview profoundly shapes the Church today – now we live in two worlds (Sunday and Monday) Missionaries have brought this worldview to nations all over the world today Therefore the Church is interested in only spiritual things – saving souls, building churches, but we see no transformation. This is why we don’t tell the whole story, why we aren’t seeing what the Great Commission is all about. We have a pair of glasses on that keeps us from seeing the truth. We need to take off these glasses and put on biblical glasses. Last updated 7/07
At Least . . .Three Things Lost 至少三个方面的遗失 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes At Least . . .Three Things Lost 至少三个方面的遗失 Biblical Mind 合乎圣经的心意 Great Commission 大使命 Samaritan Strategy 好邻舍的策略 Methodologies: Lecture, Role Play Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: As a result three things have been lost: The Biblical Mind – the Christian mind (don’t ask questions, just believe) Without a Christian mind, we have a mind like our culture. The Great Commission – When we read verses about the Great Commission, we translate what we are reading with these Gnostic glasses to mean “doing spiritual things” – going into all the world and preaching the gospel and saving souls for heaven. We have reduced the Great Commission to these two things. Many can’t even see the words on the paper. The Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey ALL that I have commanded. The Samaritan Strategy – God wants His people to minister to the broken world. Luke 10 story of the Good Samaritan. Is this my neighbor? OR How can I be a neighbor to people who cross the path of my life who have needs and brokenness? These things are not spiritual, so we don’t care for the physical needs. We may share the gospel but not care for their physical needs. We are entering a new era of history In the Western world (from the Christian era to the modern era to the Post-modern era) This new era is moving around the world. It will come to your home soon if it hasn’t already. This new story says there is no story. The Post-modern story says there is no story. Worldviews are powerful. They will determine the lives we live, The kind of nations we build The kind of Church we will be. WHAT WILL YOU DO? Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Application 应用 Take time to reflect on some examples of a divided worldview in your life. 花时间反思一下你的世界观,是否有哪些具体事例可以反映这种分割的世界观? How is it manifested personally or in your family, your work or your ministry? 在你个人生命、家庭、工作以及服事中如何体现? Prayerfully ask the Lord to reveal one practical step you can take to live Coram Deo in this area. 以祷告的心,求神向你显明一个实际的步骤使你可以在这个方面活在神的面前。 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask participants to take 3-5 minutes at the end of the lesson to reflect on these two questions and then prayerfully ask the Lord to reveal one practical step he/she can take to live Coram Deo in this area of his/her life. Last updated 7/07
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Trainer Name Ministry 培训者姓名 事工 Opening Slide Trainer Name Ministry 培训者姓名 事工 Last updated 7/07
Power of Story Review 故事的影响力 回顾 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Power of Story Review 故事的影响力 回顾 What is a worldview? How does it work? 什么是世界观?它怎样起作用? What are three ways ideas can spread? 思想传播的三种方式是什么? What are three primary elements of Kingdom culture? 国度文化中最基本的三个基础是什么? How has the adoption of a dualistic way of thinking impacted your life? 采用二元论的思考方式是如何影响你的生活的? Methodologies: Review - Reflection, Small Group Reviewing, Large Group Testimonies Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Before the next lesson is taught, ask participants to take out their notes on the Power of Story lesson: Look at what has been one meaningful idea for you Share it with the others at your table Have 2-3 share what they have heard with the large group. Review the answers to the content questions for Power of Story lesson review Allow time to share testimonies from the personal applications of this lesson application. Last updated 7/07