Centre for Development Informatics From ICT4D 1.0 to ICT4D 2.0 Richard Heeks Centre for Development Informatics, IDPM University of Manchester, UK
Centre for Development Informatics ICT4D 1.0: Revisiting Failure Partial Success Partial Failure
Centre for Development Informatics ICT4D 1.0: Achievements from a User Perspective Preferences for e-government: cheaper, quicker, better Preferences for mobile communication: 30-40% of income Overcoming social exclusion of the marginalised
Centre for Development Informatics ICT4D 1.0: Project Good Practice Information Technology Processes Objectives and values Staffing and skills Management and structures Other resources ICT Project Design Current Reality Design Reality Gap Information Technology Processes Objectives and values Staffing and skills Management and structures Other resources
Centre for Development Informatics Mainstreaming ICT4D Integration Requirements: The right people in the right place talking the right language and working in the right way Contribution of ICTs to Development Differing Views on ICTs and Development Ignore IsolateIdoliseIntegrate ICT4D 0.0ICT4D 1.0ICT4D 2.0
Centre for Development Informatics ICT4D 2.0 Mass access and ownership “Development 2.0”: Social outsourcing Per-poor innovation
Centre for Development Informatics The Mainstreaming Balancing Act Address development and cross- cutting issues ICTs as a tool of consumption and of production and enterprise Realistic about ICTs and positive about ICTs