Pre-AP Classes Native Texan Project Research in class on Wednesday through Friday of this week! Class time given Friday for book construction. More time will be given Monday and Tuesday to continue if needed. Final project due Wednesday, September 19th at the BEGINNING of class.
Pop-Up Book (1 person) Each page must include a visual, title (for each tribe) and 2-3 sentence description comparing the two tribes You may have a MAXIMUM of 2 printed pictures from the internet You must include: Front cover (title page with your name and period Page 1 location of tribes (with region(s) Page 2 – appearance Page 3 – Foods Page 4 - Homes
Pop-Up Book continued Page 5 – Hunting/weapons Page 6 – Special Customs Page 7 – Your choice Page 8 – Your choice Page 9 – What happened to end their cultures? Page 10 – Left Blank for Rubric and Commentary from Teacher.
Grading Rubric Compared two tribes from two different regions 10 points 9 page book with accurate research 40 points 2-3 sentences MINIMUM per page 30 points Pop-UP structure on each page 10 points Neatness10 points