Lecture and laboratory No. 3 Connections Within and Between Solid Representations Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Master in Engineering Informatics Course Modeling and design Dr. László Horváth
The screen shots in tis presentation was made in the CATIA V5 és V6 PLM systems the Laboratory of Intelligent Engineering systems, in real modeling process. This presentation is intellectual property. It is available only for students in my courses. The CATIA V5 és V6 PLM systems operate in the above laboratory by the help of Dassult Systémes Inc. and CAD-Terv Ltd. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Contents Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension Associative and constrained parameters Engineering connection between solid components Constraint and its saving during model change László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of shape in context Structure and relations at connection of solids MD 3.1: Definition of constraints for engineering connection. Development of solid models for that purpose. MD 3.2: Definition of constraints for engineering connection using template. Development of solid models for that purpose. Laboratory exercises Lecture MD 3.3: Connection of units developed in exercises MD 3.1 and MD 3.2 by engineering connection.
Definition of Shape in Context Hand sketch Physical shape Image, frameGenerated points, contours, surfaces, and solids Input (starting) shape Generating contoursGenerating surface Generating topology as structure of geometry for B-rep. solid Cloud of points Processing Definition of shape Definition of structure for connected solids Definition of connection Definition of engineering connection PlacingDOFFunctions László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Associative and Constrained Parameters Giving value for parameter Directly By algebraic expression Value calculated by the system Relationships ImplicitExplicit Tangential Parallel etc. Control parameter Calculated parameter Reference B=A/2 CDE C min C max A How reacts a model for modification by constraint? László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Associative and Constrained Parameters
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Associative and Constrained Parameters
Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension a b=a a B<a a b a b’ László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Control of Shape by Geometry and Dimension
Constraint and its Saving During Model Change C1 C2 C3 Over constrained László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Structure and Relations at Connection of Solids Actual R R R R R 1 2 Coincidence Contact Distance Angle László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
3 joints Connected bodies 1 joint (Free body) 2 joints C1 C2C3 R3 R1 R2 R4 C4 Rv=R1 C – joint R – rod Rv – frame László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Structure and Relations at Connection of Solids
Curve and surface defined joints Slide along and roll around curve, 1T+1R Slide along, roll around és roll, 1T+2R Planar, 2T+1R Point on curve, 1T+3R Point on surface, 3R+2T László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Structure and Relations at Connection of Solids Composite joints Gear, 2 Revolute + 1 constraint. Rack, 1 Prismatic + 1 Revolute +1 constraint. Double prism, 2 Prismatic + 1 constraint Simple joints: Revolute, 1R Prismatic, 1T Cylindrical, 1T+R Screw, 1T+R, constrained Universal, 2R, Spherical, 3R.
Engineering Connection Between Solid Components Engineering connection feature for components in the product structure on the physical (P) level of model Can be defined: On one component Between two or three components. Component: Shape Part Product Defined by: a set of components, an orientation or not, a set constraints László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Methodology of engineering connection is considered as it is included in V6 PLM system. This is representative and can be well experienced during laboratory exercises. Engineering connection is applied on model during PLM update. Consequently, not correct engineering connection will be detected in error during the PLM update.
Parameters Type Constraint Type Mode Value Support Lock/unlock Orientation Connection property Engineering connection type Analytical (e.g. prismatic, revolute, cylindrical) Defined by curves and surfaces (e.g. point on curve, point on surface, slide curve, roll curve.) Combined (e.g. screw, gear) Constraint Type Positional (coincidence, contact, offset) Angle (Angle, parallelism, perpendicularity, hinge) Coupling (e. g. fix (relative together, together, fix, symmetry) Curve (curvilinear distance, roll, slide curvilinear) László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Engineering Connection Between Solid Components
Constraint mode (a kind of function) Driving: constraint drives constraints which are contextual with it. Measured: constraint value comes from its definition and other constraints of the engineering connection. Controlled: defines the constraint controlled by kinematics relation. The constraint value is defined between bounds. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Engineering Connection Between Solid Components Parameters Type Constraint Type Mode Value Support Lock/unlock Orientation Connection property
Value In case of controlled mode, in case of angle or offset constraint. Lower and upper values can be specified. Support Geometry: axis system, circle, cone, cylinder, curve, surface Topology: vertex, edge, face Reference geometry: point, line, plane László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Engineering Connection Between Solid Components Parameters Type Constraint Type Mode Value Support Lock/unlock Orientation Connection property
Lock/ unlock an EC type Lock: Modification of constraint definitions outside the engineering connection type definition is not allowed. Unlock: The Type is updated according to constraint definition modifications. Orientation Position first instance: the first selected instance will be positioned (default). Position second instance: the second selected instance will be positioned. Automatically position instances: the application defines which instance will be positioned. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Engineering Connection Between Solid Components Parameters Type Constraint Type Mode Value Support Lock/unlock Orientation Connection property
Distant, face-face. Fastened, bolt tightening. Weld: Spot weld, seam weld, curve curve weld, surface weld László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Engineering Connection Between Solid Components Parameters Type Constraint Type Mode Value Support Lock/unlock Orientation Connection property
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Laboratory exercises Model name: MD00Sxxxx00 Subject Year S or F Student Exercise: 31,32,33
Definition of constraints for engineering connection. Development of solid models for that purpose. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
Planar constraint is defined by topological entity. Mode driving. User defined engineering connection. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise Don’t forget: Engineering connection is applied on model during PLM update. Consequently, not correct engineering connection will be detected in error during the PLM update.
After definition of coincidence of two lines mapped to edges the procedure identifies and set prismatic constraint. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
The third constraint is offset. It is defined between two planes which are mapped to topological faces. Mode: controlled. Part which can move László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
Lower and upper values are specified for the controlled movement. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
The mechanism manager summarizes the degrees of freedom, the commands, and the engineering connections. The mechanism is suitable for simulation. However, definition of its degrees of freedom is not complete. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
This is a real simulation. Actual value is shown for commends. Simulation process details malfunctions in message. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
Modification of connected parts can be done as allowed by authorization. Modification propagates along contextual chains. Material is selected for parts from material palette. Definition of material is not thask in this exercise. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
Items in PLM model base. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.1 laboratory exercise
Definition of constraints for engineering connection using template. Development of solid models for that purpose. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
Two part models are to be connected in a product model. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
Four part models are available in the PLM system. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
Two parts were placed as components in the new product model. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise Items in PLM model base.
Two new parts as components in the structure of product. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
Template was selected. Template sets the correct list of constraints. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise Don’t forget: Engineering connection is applied on model during PLM update. Consequently, not correct engineering connection will be detected in error during the PLM update.
Connected elements are defined. Coincidence Angle Offset Mode: controlled. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
Lower and upper values are specified for the controlled movements. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
The mechanism manager summarizes the degrees of freedom, the commands, and the engineering connections. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
End positions of mechanism. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise Modification of connected parts can be done as allowed by authorization. Modification propagates along contextual chains. Material is selected for parts from material palette. Definition of material is not thask in this exercise.
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.2 laboratory exercise
Connection of units developed in exercises MD 3.1 and MD 3.2 by engineering connection László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
New product which represents connection of products defined in exercises 3.1 and 3.2. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
Products defined in exercises 3.1 and 3.2 have been inserted in the model space for new product. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
Revolute was selected from the choice of templates as offered by the modeling system. List of constraints were provided. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise Don’t forget: Engineering connection is applied on model during PLM update. Consequently, not correct engineering connection will be detected in error during the PLM update.
Definition of supports to be connected. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
Definition of supports to be connected together with specification of lower and upper values of the controlled parameters. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
The new product in the PLM model base. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
The active mechanism representation recognizes joint and possible commands for movements. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
Simulation of mechanism in the new product. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
Simulation of mechanism in one of the connected products. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise
Simulation of mechanism in other connected product. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MD 3.3 laboratory exercise