Grant Management Seminar Session 2 1 Session 2 Applying for and Implementing a Grant 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Learning Objectives Write a successful grant application Understand grant financing Discuss the importance of evaluation 10/13/2012 2
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Rotary Foundation Grants District grants Global grants Packaged grants 3 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 4 Applying for Global Grants Two-step application process online Meet goals of area of focus Be sustainable Involve Rotary clubs in two districts Minimum TRF match of $15,000 District confirms club is qualified 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 5 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 6 Sustainable Projects Giving a community the skills and knowledge to maintain project outcomes for the long term, after grant funds have been expended 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Global Grant First Steps 7 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 8 Application 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 9 Global Grant Financing DDF matched 100% with World Fund Rotarian cash contributions matched 50% with World Fund Non-Rotarian cash contributions 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Financing Guidelines Contributions raised by Rotarians Funds cannot be raised from beneficiaries in exchange for a grant Funds cannot come from other grants Contributions credited to donor International Partner = 30% of all contributions to a Global Grant 10/13/
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 11 Implementation Communication Financial management plan Recordkeeping Following original plan 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 12 Evaluation Assists with reporting Improves future projects Based on goals Ongoing process Identifies successes 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 Global Grant Policies Introduction and Overview How were decisions reached? Will there be changes next year? 13 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Financing a D-5240 Global Grant Minimum Financing Model Minimum Global Grant = $35,000 Cash$10,000 DDF $10,000 TRF Match $ 5,000TRF Match$10,000 Total $15,000Total$20,000 Total Grant$35,000 Total TRF $15, /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 How Will Clubs Get DDF Maximum of $18,000 DDF per Global Grant No allocation of DDF based on APF Giving Benefits: Enables both large and small clubs to sponsor Global Grants Avoids requiring clubs to contribute cash in excess of $18,000 for each Global Grant Promotes collaboration to aggregate minimum cash contribution 15 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Questions To Be Answered in 2013 How much DDF will be available & when will it be available? Will clubs be able to sponsor grants when they are not the Host or International Partner? How many Global Grants do we anticipate that we will be able to finance with DDF? When will Global Grant applications be accepted by the Global Grants committee? How will Global Grants be evaluated on a merit basis? 16 HOW WILL YOU GET THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS? PLAN TO ATTEND FUTURE WEBINARS AND SEMINARS MONITOR THE DISTRCT 5240 WEBSITE 10/13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies District Grants (DGs) used to be called District Simplified Grants (DSGs), but these new grants are like DSGs on steroids! MUCH greater parameters with the new District Grants, much more flexibility! District Grants provide funding to Rotary clubs and districts to support local and international humanitarian and service projects, community beautification, scholarships, and vocational training teams relating to the project/mission. New this year: Scholarships with no restrictions on the level (secondary, university, or graduate), length, location (local or international), or area of study. Service travel and disaster recovery efforts. Vocational training teams for both domestic and international travel, rotary and non-rotary countries /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies District Grants must still: Relate to the mission of The Rotary Foundation. Comply with all policies and procedures of The Rotary Foundation and District Include the active participation of all Rotarians. Adhere to the governing laws of the U.S. and the country where the activity is taking place and not harm individuals or entities. Demonstrate sensitivity towards host country’s culture. Only fund activities that have been approved in advance. Comply with the District Conflict of Interest Policy. Complete all required paperwork in a timely fashion /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies ONLY CLUBS THAT HAVE BEEN QUALIFIED CAN SUBMIT DISTRICT GRANT APPLICATIONS. Non-qualified clubs can participate but cannot sponsor or submit an application. Last year the District was allowed to earmark up to 20% of District Designated Funds (DDF) to District Simplified Grants. For this next year, the District can earmark up to 50% of DDF to District Grants. This next year will have much greater flexibility and a much larger piece of the DDF pie /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies District Grants will be allocated to the Clubs according to the District Allocation Process, based on individual Club contributions to the Annual Programs Fund for the preceding 3 year period. This Allocation Schedule is on the District website. The District will match the Club contribution (District 5240 Clubs only) $ for $ up to the Club’s allocation for the period. There is no limit on the dollar amounts on individual District Grants. Clubs can use their allocation in any manner they choose within the Terms and Conditions prescribed by TRF and District Clubs may combine their allocation with other Clubs in any manner they wish with no limitations. There is no TRF match for District Grants. District Grants do not require to be within the Six Areas of Focus /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies What else is new? District Grants must be submitted in advance of the Rotary year. For the Rotary year beginning July 1, 2013, grant applications can be submitted beginning January 15, 2013 and continuing through March 31, District Grant applications submitted during this period will be based on the individual Club allocations and will be “protected” within the Terms and Conditions of TRF and District If there are DG funds available after the March 31, 2013 deadline, (NOT LIKELY) Clubs can submit additional DG applications for funding on a first-come, first served basis, as follows: Up to $1,000 per Club: Up to $1,500 for 2 or more Clubs. All DG applications must be submitted by April 30, Clubs must create and manage a Document Retention Plan /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies Still the Same: District Grants should be considered a reimbursement grant. A check for the approved amount of the District Match to the Club will be sent only after the Final Report has been received and approved. Only expenditures which were approved prior to the start of the project will be reimbursed. Any changes must be approved in advance by the District Grants Subcommittee, including DGs that utilize the Club allocations. All District Grants applications must be submitted to the District Grants Subcommittee Chair, Dan Giordano. His is: /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies Review Process The review process is the same as last year. DGSC Dan Giordano will review the application and pass it on to the District Grants Subcommittee for review and approval. Our job is to help you succeed, so we will do everything in our power to help you develop your application to approval. 10/13/
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 District 5240 District Grant Policies Examples from approved District Simplified Grants from this past year: Midwife training in Niger. Sponsoring at-risk youth on a Mule Days Program. Dictionaries for Third Grade students in our District. New shoes for kids of needy families in our District. Sponsoring a swim program at a local public school. Examples of new possible projects under the new Terms and Conditions for DGs: Scholarships for all grade levels. Sponsoring project discovery team to review an existing project or plan new projects, both domestic and international. Supporting projects in non-Rotary countries. Removal of land mines with an experienced partner /13/2012
Grant Management Seminar Session 2 Learning Objectives Write a successful grant application Understand grant financing Discuss the importance of evaluation 10/13/