My Classroom English survival kit Correction
Je suis en retard. Je présente des excuses et je me justifie. I’m sorry for being late. I’m late because I overslept/I missed my bus/my parents’ car broke down/I was with the year head
J’ai été absent je me justifie. I was absent because I had the flu/I had an appointment at the dentist/I twisted my wrist in PE
Pardon? /Could you say it again? I didn’t hear. Can you repeat please? Je n’ai pas entendu, je veux qu’on répète. Pardon? /Could you say it again? I didn’t hear. Can you repeat please?
Can you speak up/louder please? Can you speak more slowly please? J’ai mal entendu. Can you speak up/louder please? Can you speak more slowly please?
I didn’t/ don’t understand./ What do you mean? Je n’ai pas compris. I didn’t/ don’t understand./ What do you mean?
I can’t hear, can you play it louder please? Il y a un problème de son. It’s too loud/ soft. I can’t hear, can you play it louder please?
Could you play it again, please? Thanks. Je voudrais réentendre l’enregistrement. Could you play it again, please? Thanks.
How do you say … in English? Je ne connais pas un mot. What’s the English for? How do you say … in English? What does … mean?
Could you write “……” on the board, please? Thanks. Je ne sais pas écrire un mot. How do you spell ……. ?/ With a « g » or 2 « g »s? Could you write “……” on the board, please? Thanks.
How do you pronounce « … » / this word? Je ne sais pas prononcer un mot. How do you pronounce « … » / this word?
What are we supposed to do now? Je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire. Is it my turn? I’m finished, what shall I do? What are we supposed to do now?
Are we supposed to finish it at home? Je veux des explications sur le travail à faire à la maison. When is it for? Are we supposed to finish it at home?
J’ai oublié mon materiel. I haven’t got my… I’ve forgotten my… I’ve left my … at home.
je veux emprunter quelque chose. Can I have a/your pencil, please? Thanks. Can you lend me your …, please? Thanks. Can I borrow your…., please? Thanks.
Je n’ai pas le document. J’ai un document en trop. I haven’t got any/ Can I have a copy, please? I’ve got one too many.
Could you step aside, please? Le prof est devant le tableau. Could you step aside, please?
Il y a trop de bruit. Be quiet, please! Keep quiet! Stop that noise !
Can you come and help me, please? J’ai besoin d’aide. Can you come and help me, please?
I’m not feeling very well. J’ai un problème de santé. I’m not well. Can I go out/ to the toilet, please? I’m not feeling very well.
It’s hot/cold. Can I/you open/shut the window/door, please? Il fait trop chaud/ froid. It’s hot/cold. Can I/you open/shut the window/door, please?
Can I draw/pull the curtains? Je voudrais tirer les rideaux. Can I draw/pull the curtains?
J’ai besoin d’aller chercher un dictionnaire. Can I get a dictionary?