Lesley Arnold Director Geospatial Frameworks Research Fellow Curtin University Spatial Infrastructures Consultant to the World Bank Accurate Cadastre: The Fit for Purpose Route
Accurate, 3-4 Dimensional, Ubiquitous, integrated Cadastral Strategies Future Directions
Fit for Purpose Right for the time – socially and economically Digitized Maps
Driver for Change Cadastre is a source of location knowledge Internet of Things
Drivers for Change Accurate digital representations & visualisations Utility Mapping
Drivers for Change Visualising underground utilities in the field Utility Mapping Picture: Dr Don Grant, RMIT
Drivers for Change BIM and GIS are converging digital assets BIM Building Information Modelling Liverpool Street - How Crossrail interfaces with the City, via BIM (Source: themanufacturer.com)
Video: Picture: pcpro.co.uk Driver for Change One of many disruptive technologies 3D Printing
Video: Picture: pcpro.co.uk Driver for Change Society is becoming more participatory The Crowd
Picture: augmented planet Issues faced Accessibility balanced with individual Privacy Open Access
Water restrictions Fishing Licence Building codes Flood zones Utility/heritage maintenance Land usage controls Contaminated sites Chemical use Licence Planning restrictions Seasonal Fire restrictions Mining rights Clearing Prohibited Native Title Drivers for Change Identify location and extent of interests on land Photo: Augmented planet Prohibited waste discharge
Issues faced Inaccuracies cause concern for consumers Inaccurate Digitized Data
Issues faced Shifting Vectors cause havoc for professional users Spatial Upgrade
Issues faced Shifting vectors cause havoc for utilities Spatial Upgrade
Issues faced Shifting vectors cause havoc for professional users Spatial Upgrade
Top Three Ways to avoid ‘spatial upgrade’ common pitfalls Lessons Learned
#1 Heat Maps based on metadata + lineage Collect Provenance
#2 Mandate data custodian roles and responsibilities Single Point of Truth
#3 Control shift vectors between end-user systems Build Intelligence
Lesley Arnold Director Geospatial Frameworks Research Fellow Curtin University Spatial Infrastructures Consultant to the World Bank Thank you