The Rise of Islam
The life of Muhammad. Born in the city of Mecca, 570 CE Muhammad ibn Abd Allah name at birth.
Muhammad’s Early Years Mecca was busy, crowded marketplace, filled with residents and nomads. Both parents were dead by age 6. Lived briefly with his grandfather, but he passed as well. Adopted by his uncle, Abu Talib. Talib was the leader Hashim Clan. One of many clans making up separate Arabic tribes. Sound familiar?
Muhammad’s Early Years It is believed that as a young adult Muhammad worked as a camel driver. He traveled the Arabian Peninsula with his uncle, making contact with various cultures and religions, including Judaism and Christianity. Because idol worship had come to dominate Mecca, this contact was important.
Muhammad’s Early Years At the age of twenty-five, Muhammad was working for a widow named Khadijah who was a wealthy merchant. Though he was much younger, she admired his intelligence and maturity so much that she proposed to him. They married, and in the fifteen years which followed, Muhammad lived in affluence. He continued traveling, encountering different faiths and customs.
Muhammad’s Early Years But riches did not satisfy Muhammad. In Mecca, powerful merchants controlled both the flow of goods and the religious life. As the gap between the rich and the poor widened, Muhammad began to question his life and the world around him. For reference, click
Muhammad’s Revelation During one such night, Muslims believe that the angel Gabriel appeared before him. Gabriel grabbed hold of Muhammad and ordered him to recite some words. He did so, and as he fled the cave in fear, he heard the angel say, "Oh, Muhammad, you are the messenger of God, and I am Gabriel. Muhammad openly declared that there was only one God. He called on Meccans to reject their idols. Though monotheism was shared by Jews and Christians, its introduction into Mecca troubled the ruling class. As Muhammad's followers increased, so did the unease among his opposition.
Angel Gabriel Angel of Death & Destruction. Who is Arch Angel Gabriel?
Concept of Islam "Worship is an all inclusive term for all that God loves of external and internal sayings and actions of a person.” worship is everything one says or does for the pleasure of Allah "Seeking knowledge for one hour is better than praying for seventy years."
Concept of Islam "Receiving your friend with a smile is a type of charity, helping a person to load his animal is a charity and putting some water in your neighbor's bucket is a charity." It is worth noting...
Islamic Divisions Shiite’s vs Sunni’s What is the difference? Comparison Chart
5 Pillars of Islam The 'Five Pillars' of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life: Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad Establishment of the daily prayers Concern for and almsgiving to the needy Self-purification through fasting The pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able.
5 Pillars of Islam Quick reference link to the 5 Pillars of Islam.5 In your own words, explain what each means to you. How would you go about fulfilling each Pillar if you were Muslim?
Spread of Islam
Larger Map On page 380 in your textbook, you can se how fast the Islamic empire grew. What is a caliph? First four were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. Each ruled from Medina. OR called Madinah.
Spread of Islam Power point in a power point! What is Sikhism?