The 6 Hats on MalayanSun Bears Kept as Illegal Pets. The 6 Hats on Malayan Sun Bears Kept as Illegal Pets. By iizzii
Red Hat Feelings When I see or read things about Malayan Sun Bears keep as pets in poor conditions I feel: Sad. Worried if they are going to die. Scared because of how undernourished they look. Revolted because of how people can do that to these animals. Confused because I don’t get how people get the bears. When I see or read things about Malayan Sun Bears being rescued by organisations I feel: Hopeful that they’re going to survive. Relieved because they are now safe and are in good care. Happier because they aren’t in the poor conditions anymore.
White Hat Information People in Malaysia and in some places in Indonesia keep Sun Bears as illegal pets. Sun Bears are kept in cages that are to small for them which results in them getting sores and their fur going pale brown instead of being coal black. Sun Bears are usually undernourished before they’re rescued because people don’t give them the right food. People get Sun Bears as babies and when they’re older they either kill them or don’t know what to do with them. Sun Bears are almost extinct. Sun Bears are often kept at markets either to sell or with their owners. Some people who own Sun Bears illegally declaw the Sun Bears. The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre rescue the Sun Bears. In some of the poor Sun Bears cages there is rotting food, murky water and faeces. Their scientific name is Helarctos Malayanus. Sun Bears are the worlds smallest bear. There is only around 10,000 Sun Bears left maybe even less than that.
Yellow Hat Benefits The benefits of Sun Bears getting rescued: The Sun Bears can live a happier life. They will be healthier. They will get the proper food. They will be cared for properly. They can be bred with a mate. They won’t be lonely It will help them from going extinct.
Black Hat Judgment Bad things about Sun Bears being kept as illegal pets: They might go extinct. They might die. They are undernourished. They aren’t living a happy life. They’re sad. They’re sore. They lose their wild instincts. They might be scared. Unhappy They might get diseases. Can’t live out in the wild as a normal Sun Bear They won’t have normal food. They will be lonely because of no interaction with other Sun Bears. They would be distressed. It’s illegal.
Blue Hat Thinking What thinking is needed to save these Sun Bears? How are they going to get them from the people who have them – convincing them that it’s the right thing or bargaining with them. How to help them be healthier – feeding them the right food, putting medicine on their sores. How they are going to find the Sun Bears?- with contacts or people telling them. How they are going to transport the Sun Bears when they capture them? – by trucks, giving them tranquilizer. Where they are going to put the Sun Bears- in a special captivity place they built for them. How they are going to get the food that Sun Bears eat? – find it, get it transported to them.
Green Hat Creative Ideas and ways to stop people having Sun Bears as illegal pets. We will never stop this happening but ways to help are: to educate people on that it’s the wrong thing to do and that we have to keep these Sun Bears safe because if they go extinct Sun Bears won’t be here anymore. Put all the Sun Bears in area where people can’t get to them so they can’t have them as pets.
Pictures As Illegal Pets When Rescued
The End Thank-you for viewing my 6 hats slideshow.