Hermann Strampfer Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Congress „Dual System“ in Pardubice, Tschechische Republik The Dual System as a Positive Economical Factor
Folie 2 Dual System Final examination at Chamber of Industry and Commerce or Chamber of Crafts (Chambers) Certificate of Apprenticeship On-the-job Training Vocational School Company Theory (Vocational Subjects) General Subjects German Social Studies Economics English (obligatory from 2017) Religious Education/Ethics Final examination at school School Diploma
Folie 3 Young School Leaver Company Chambers Contract of Apprenticeship Employee Company Chambers Contract of Employment before after Vocational School Apprentice Company Chambers Examination
Folie 4 -Information -Cooperation (School-Company) -Ambassador for Apprenticeships -Apprenticeship Trade Fair -Boris-Berufswahlsiegel (Boris-Career Choice Seal) for Schools -Placement (training) Young School Leaver Company Chambers Vocational Orientation Schools Primary Schools General Secondary Schools (5 years) General Secondary Schools (6 years) Upper Secondary Schools (8 years) General and Inter- mediate Secondary Schools (up to 6 years) Vocational Schools
Folie 5 Young School Leaver Company Chambers Contract of Apprenticeship Employee Company Chambers Contract of Employment before after Vocational School Apprentice Company Chambers Examination
Folie 6 Employee Company Chambers -In-plant further education -Master craftsman/Technician -(following OECD 2259 Bachelor) -Betriebswirt (business administration)/Fachwirt -Senior Vocational School of Further Education, 1 year -Upper Secondary Vocational School, 2 years -University (also possible without Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education) -after completion of university: - return to company - start as a teacher at vocational school Further Education
Folie 7 Advantages of the Dual System For the apprentices: professional high-quality, modern apprenticeship become acquainted with the in-plant experience training is in line with the demands of the profession good theoretical training at the vocational school further consolidation of general education at the vocational school coordinated training between vocational school and companies foreshortening of apprenticeship is possible along with very good achievements by the student apprenticeship pay oftentimes the apprentice will be employed at the company afterwards manifold further education possible
Folie 8 Advantages of the Dual System For the company: Company selects the apprentices by themselves Often apprentices are the future-employees High productivity of the apprentices The in-plant trained employees do already have a high level of knowledge about the company The in-plant trained employees can be given responsible tasks quickly The in-plant trained employees highly identify with the company The vocational school takes care of a good theoretical education The vocational school completes and relieves the in-plant training Companies see and evaluate a higher benefit to effort and investment in the dual system
Folie 9 Advantages of the Dual System For economy and society: Quality of the Dual System is highly accepted Central final examinations guarantee homogeneous standards The Dual System assures high quality for products and services The Dual System is important for innovative capacity Employees with university degree and employees who completed the Dual System complement one another All employees speak the „same language“ The Dual System offers a kind of high transmittance in the educational system The Dual System effectively reduces the youth unemployment The Dual System strengthens the economy and stabilizes the society The Dual System strengthens the export of products and services
Folie 10 Youth Unemployment taken from Statistics Explained
Folie 11 Youth Unemployment in Baden-Württemberg (covers young people aged 15 to 24) Reasons for the very low rate: Dual System excellent state of the economy less teenager per year (demography) many high-school graduates; many students - - Berufsfachschule [Senior Vocational School of Further Education (1-2 years)] and Berufskolleg [Advanced Vocational Schools (1-3 years)] enroll students - who do not have an contract of apprenticeship (yet) - who are aiming for a higher educational achievement Rate in July 2013: Almost no unemployment up to the age of 18
Folie 12