Daphne Koller Bayesian Networks Naïve Bayes Probabilistic Graphical Models Representation.


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Presentation transcript:

Daphne Koller Bayesian Networks Naïve Bayes Probabilistic Graphical Models Representation

Daphne Koller Naïve Bayes Model Class X1X1 X2X2 XnXn... (X i  X j | C) for all X i, X j

Daphne Koller Naïve Bayes Classifier Class X1X1 X2X2 XnXn...

Daphne Koller Naïve Bayes Classifier for Text I catdogbuy... Document Label P(“buy” appears | Label)

Daphne Koller Naïve Bayes Classifier for Text II W1W1 W2W2 WnWn... Document Label Financial cat dog buy sell … Pets … …