Proofreading Your Book Review
Book and Journal Titles All book titles and journal titles within your review should be italicized. Do not underline, bold print, or place within quotations any book title. Example: On Point The Journal of Medicine Not: On Point “On Point” On Point
Journal Article Titles Most secondary sources are either books or journal articles. The title of an article should be in quotation marks; it should not be italicized, or underlined, or bold. Example: “Cortez in America: ” Not: Cortez in America Cortez in America Cortez in America
Works Cited Smith, John E. “Jonathan Edwards as Philosophical Theologian.” The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 30, No. 2. (1976): Marsden, George M. Jonathan Edwards: A Life. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.
Citation in Endnotes These essays, apart from there significance in America, were developed primarily as a response to considerable writings in Europe, by thinkers, like Hobbes and Locke, who did not ascribe their philosophy directly to the saving grace from God, as did Edwards. 1 Choose “Insert” from the menu, the “Footnote.” Choose “Endnote” and “Auto Number” making sure that you have selected “1, 2, 3…” for your endnotes.
Endnotes 1 Watts, Emily Stipes. “The Neoplatonic Basis of Jonathan Edwards’ “True Virtue”.” Early American Literature, Vol. 10, No. 2. (1975): 187.
Numbers and Dates All numbers 1 – 10 should be spelled out. one, two, three, four, ….. nine, ten. All numbers after ten, should be as numbers. 11, 12, 13, 14,... up to 99. Larger numbers are written as: one hundred, five thousand, twenty-four million, etc. Specific numbers are written as numbers: 1, ,294,113 28,702
Dates Specific dates are: February 20, 1993, February 1993, February 20 th Used within a sentence: My birthday is February 20, 1993, which was on a Sunday this year. February 20 th was a Sunday this year. I was born in February 1993, four months and 21 days before the Spaniard.
Dates Seasons of the year should be: Winter 2006 the winter of 2006 Months should follow as: June 2003 and not: June of 2003
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar Proofread your book review for spelling errors, punctuation, and grammar. Make sure you have complete sentences, that make sense, and are not short and choppy. Did you follow the rubric/guidelines??? Double check everything before printing off your final copy book review.