Method; Collect a water sample from the creek. Look closely and thoroughly study the water to find any forms of life. Try and identify the insect you have discovered using the chart. Results; After several times when me and my group scooped water samples from the creek, we finally discovered some forms of life. We identified the insects as a FRESHWATER SNAIL and a STONEFLY NYMPH. What does this tell you about the water? This tells me that the creek had a combination of sensitive and tolerant species/insects.
Quadrat 1; Observe the plants in this quadrat and count how many you can see. Results: There are over 15 plants that I counted. The group of plants were closer to the creek and had more clay content than other places. Its soil was capable of being shaped into a donut and snake. Quadrat 2; Observe the plants in this quadrat. What differences can you see compared to quadrat 1? Results: The group of plants were further away from the creek which meant there was less clay content compared to quadrat 1. It had very dry leaves. Its soil was not capable of being shaped into anything because it was dry and solid.
Quadrat 3; Gather information about the area you are in. Results: Temperature~ 23°C Air Odour~ Fresher than most places because more nature is within therefore the plants provide our air. Though the creek doesn’t have a pleasant odour. Wind~ Not too strong (Light Breeze). Quadrat 4; Dig out some dirt and see if you can shape it into a donut or snake. Results: The more closer the soil was to the creek, the easier it was to shape the soil, the more further away from the creek the less clay content and the harder it gets.
do the types of plants change as they travel along the creek? Yes, mostly as some plants feel more comfortable growing in high clay content soil while other plants don’t. Describe the climate of the area; The humidity is low and the temperature is 23°C and is cool and lightly windy.
ResultsMethod Water Movement The leaf moved with the current until it got caught in some algae and stopped halfway. Drop a leaf off one end of the bridge and time how long it takes to get to the other end. Water Temperature Around 20°C Lower a thermometer into the water and leave for about 2-5 minutes. Record the temperature. PhPh: Alkaline Collect a water sample and use the ph indicator to assess whether the water is alkaline, acidic or neutral. Turbity31.5 cm Lower the secchi disk into the water until no longer visible. Bring it out of the water and measure the wet section of the string.
Walk along the creek and write down any animals you can see; Ducks Dragonflies Butterflies Lizards Tadpoles Birds Ants Bees Water insects
DOES THE WATER FLOW AT YOUR SITE? Yes, the water in the creek does flow at my site. The creek is in the shape of an oval and looks quite deep, although you can’t really tell because the water is not clear. It also has a lot of plants growing in the creek. WHAT IS THE COLOUR OF THE CREEK WATER? The colour of the creek is a murky looking brown and green. It is hard to see through. WHAT KIND OF SCUM CAN YOU SEE THAT IS ON THE SURFACE? In one section of the creek there is a visual of some algae on the surface. The colour of this algae is a brownish green. WHAT ODOURS OF THE CREEK CAN YOU SMELL? Some organic smells are earthy and musty. Some Inorganic smells include chemical products. With the majority of plants growing in the creek the more the air smells earthy but with sewage pipes interfering there may be chemical product smells.
WHAT LITTER SURROUNDS THE CREEK? Organic Litter includes; leaves, bark, sticks, logs and much more. Inorganic Litter includes; plastic wrappers, bottles, cans, styrofoam, cigarette butts, and much more. It is not all clean but the plants take most of the space. WHY IS THE CREEK DRY IN CERTAIN SECTIONS? There are overgrown plants that block the water coming through. The natural slope means that the water will be collected at one particular place (where the slope leads down to). Bricks surrounding the creek are blocking the water flowing to certain places and also the sewage pipe is blocked by overgrown plants (related to reason no. 1. WHAT CAN BE ONE TO ENSURE THIS RESTORATION IS SUCCESSFUL? Getting rid of any unwanted or overgrown weeds/plants. Removing rubbish polluting the creek. Introducing native plants to attract animals. Putting signs up to let people know that there is a fine when caught polluting the creek.