May 10, 2012 Homework Vocabulary page Grammar pg #1-20 IRT tomorrow!! Test May 21 st Do Now Spelling Quiz Literature pg 134 Literary Element
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“Growing Pains” and “The Flower-Fed Buffaloes”
“Growing Pains” by Jean Little 4 stanzas of unequal length The speaker is not prepared to understand her mother’s feelings. In the beginning of the poem the mother scolds her daughter. The speaker is burdened with the knowledge that her mother has problems, too. The speaker is confused with the mother’s sadness. The mood in the first two stanzas is sad and angry; in the final stanza it is one of sadness and confusion. The speaker wants sympathy and to be understood, someone to care The speaker is probably a teenager. She has mixed feelings. She is upset but understands her mother’s anger will pass. She is uncomfortable when her mother cries and does not want to have to take care of her.
“The Flower-Fed Buffaloes” By Vachel Lindsay Single stanza- 15 lines This poem includes alliteration, repetition and personification. Alliteration-lie low/flower-fed ; spring that still is sweet Personification- “Ranged where locomotives sing.” The buffaloes originally ranged on the prairie. The advances of technology (trains) caused them to leave the prairie. Along with the buffalo leaving, the Pawnee and Blackfeet tribes left as well. Conflict between technological development and nature. The poet is sad to witness the end of a type of life on the prairie that existed with the buffalo. The mood is a bitter attitude towards change