INTRO Hypnosis has been used for hundreds of years to assist patients in leading more fulfilling lives. The last thirty years however have seen the emergence of an advanced brain entrainment technology, wherby an individual can become his own 'brain- programmer'. This article will explain how entrainment can be used to assist with self hypnosis.
WHAT IS HYPNOSIS? Hypnosis is derived from the Greek word Hypnos, which means 'sleep'. This is misleading however, as rather than being put to sleep, the patient is actually induced into a trance-like state, with an enhanced state of awareness. During this procedure, the mind becomes a sensitive receptacle to the hypnotist's suggestions, which can be planted firmly into the subconscious mind in order to overwrite limiting belief structures.
BYPASSING THE CRITICAL FACULTY The trance itself serves to bypass the critical-faculty of the brain, which is situated within the left- hemisphere, while the subconscious mind of the right hemisphere is exalted to a greater awareness. The subconscious is more deep-seated than the conscious- mind, and so is therefore the part which is targeted for the aim of behaviour modification. For example; someone who harbours a fear of dogs may consciously try everything they can to overcome this fear, but this will fail so long as their subconscious mind withholds the fear. The key is to reprogram the mind so that deep-rooted fears and beliefs are either altered or eradicated.
BLOCKAGES Our subconcious has been working non-stop since childhood to shape our perceptions and expectations, and these factors subsequently influence our actions. Blockages occur when our instinctual drives do not conform to modes of accepted consensual expression. This inevitably leads to neurosis.
WHAT CAN BE ACHIEVED WITH SELF HYPNOSIS? Self hypnosis can help in many areas, including, but not limited to the following; - Eradicate negative thoughts - Develop a positive mindset - Break bad habits - Improve health - Become more attractive to others - Learn to love yourself - Improve sexual performance - Become more motivated - Learn to believe in yourself - Beat addictions - Cure Insomnia It is interesting to note that many athletes are using hypnotherapy to improve endurance and focus. Likewise, there are even major companies who use this method for developing positive, successful mindsets in their employees.
BRAIN ENTRAINMENT WITH BINAURAL BEATS Brain entrainment is an incredibly potent tool which can effectively induce the trance-like states required for mind-programming. If you're like me, and are non- receptive to the hypnotist's traditional methods of inducing hypnotic trance, then binaural beats provide the best shortcut. Whatever your goal is, you can become your own mind-programmer, without having to fork out hundreds on hypnotherapy.
HOW TO USE BINAURAL BEATS FOR HYPNOSIS (1/3) The first step is to choose a positive affirmation. The subconscious only understands the present moment, so it is important that your affirmation is stated in the present tense. For example, "I am confident", "I am positive", "I am motivated" etc.
HOW TO USE BINAURAL BEATS FOR HYPNOSIS (2/3) Now, deep into the entrainment session, when you feel totally relaxed, and your mental chatter has ceased, repeat the affirmation to yourself. If you are visually orientated, try to visualise images which support your statement.
HOW TO USE BINAURAL BEATS FOR HYPNOSIS (3/3) Keep repeating the affirmation over and over. Try to 'hear', 'feel' and 'smell' the images. The more senses you can use, the better. Remember, the mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and imagined. Be as creative as you can! BRAIN ENTRAINMENT BRAIN ENTRAINMENT / BINAURAL BEATS DOWNLOAD (HOMEPAGE)BINAURAL BEATS DOWNLOAD A LINK TO THE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOADLINK