Dynasties and Emperors Chance Bacchas and Nicole Chan.


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Presentation transcript:

Dynasties and Emperors Chance Bacchas and Nicole Chan

Timeline of Mongolians The capital city of China is Beijing. Many people go to Beijing to see the Forbidden City. It Use to be the emperors palace. The civilization of ancient china dates back thousands of years. Over this long period of time much of China was ruled by different dynasties. A dynasty is when one family rules a country.

In 1276 AD when the Mongolians invaded and took over China, they had already been ruling a large empire for about fifty years. Their empire stretched from India and Russia to northern china and Korea. In 1276 the Mongolians Captured the sung capital at Hangzhou, and by 1279 the Mongolians controlled all of China.

Puyi became emperor of China two months, before his third birthday in Following the 1911 revolution, a republic was declared and he abdicated. The tumultuous political history of china from that point of defined Puyi’s life.

Price Zhen was born in 259 BC. His father was king of the Qin state at the time Zhen was born.

The Qin Dynasty The first Qin emperor of China, in 221 BC to 210, was Emperor Qin Shih Huang Ti. A wall surrounds a city called the Forbidden City, located in Beijing. The city was once only open to Chinese emperors.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang Ti wanted his tomb protected when he died, so people made the Terra Cotta Warriors to protect his tomb. The museum of Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and horses is located in the city of Xi’an. The Qin dynasty only lasted around 15 years total.

Emperor Qin started out as king of a smaller state, but he was able to make all the other states to accept his rule to. So then he became emperor of all of China. To show that China was all one empire now, Emperor Qin made everyone use the same characters to write with, and measurements, for measuring.

Emperor Qin did not trust the other kings so he did not let them rule anything. Instead, he chose his own assistants and sent them out as governors and judges for each part of his empire, so he could keep an eye on all the king’s and their families.