Colonization and Settlement Spanish, French, and English Settlements in North America
Settlements and Geography
Spanish Settlements Spanish colonies sponsored by the Crown Gained wealth for Spain Settlements located in Southwest of present- day US, Central America, South America, and Florida First permanent Spanish settlement – St. Augustine (1565)
French Settlements Trading posts in Newfoundland following the exploration of St. Lawrence River Also, settlements in Canada and the Mississippi River area Quebec (1608) – first permanent French settlement Louisiana settled in the late 1600s
English Settlements Most colonies established by royal charter Jamestown first permanent settlement (1607) Massachusetts founded as a Puritan settlement Influence spread along the Eastern coast
Population and Populatin Growth
Spanish Settlements Conquistadors Missionaries Soldiers Farmers and traders –later Slow growth due to emphasis on conquest and poor relations with Native Americans Largest settlements in California, Texas, Florida, and Mexico
French Fur traders Merchants Missionaries 1665 – French soldiers were given land Slow growth Population centered in Canada and Louisiana
English Settlements Middle class farmers, artisans, tradesmen Indentured servants Skilled workers (lumbermen, sawmill workers Immigrants from other countries welcomed Rapid growth due to liberal immigration policies 1627 – Virginia has 1000 settlers; by 1754 – total population in English colonies had grown to 1.5 million
Spanish Settlements Governed by appointed viceroys, or governors No self-government
French Settlement Ruled by King No political rights or representative government Public meetings required permission
Relations with Native Americans
Spanish Settlements Missionaries wanted to convert Native Americans Soldiers killed them, or enslaved them
French Settlements Missionaries wanted to convert Native Americans Fur Trade forged a bond of mutual respect Allies against the British
English Settlements Initially friendly Early settlers relied on Native Americans for trade and help surviving Greed for land led to conflicts
English Settlements Some self-government due to distance from England Representative assemblies Not allowed to take up arms against England House of Burgesses
Spanish Settlements Catholics Protestants persecuted and driven out
French Settlements Protestants initially played a role 1659 largely French Catholic
English Settlements Mostly Protestants Some tolerance Massachusetts Bay – Puritans Pennsylvania – Quaker Maryland –haven for Catholics
Spanish Settlements Trading economy Some farming in the west Traded controlled by Spain Regulations enforced by military
French Settlements Encouraged farming Mostly fur trade Plantations established on Mississippi River failed
English Settlements Diverse economic activities Farming, fishing, trading Exports: tobacco, rice, timber, fish Virginia and NC – tobacco main cash crop South Carolina – rice and indigo main cash crops
All Maps that Follow are from
New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
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