Mr. Wales’ Social Studies Classroom Welcome to the 8 th grade It is an honor and privilege to teach you!
About Me I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. I am a product of JCPS: Blake Elementary, Noe Middle, DuPont Manual High School I received my Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Louisville I received my Masters degree at Spalding University. I am currently working on my Rank 1 at Bellarmine University This is my fifth year of teaching I am married and have a daughter I have a Yorkie poo name “Diva” I love football, to travel, eat, and to study History!
What will you be learning in this class? The World Before Transatlantic Travel Age of European Exploration Colonial Settlements American Revolution Establishing a New Nation The Federalist Era Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion A Nation Divided Compromise & Conflict Civil War Rebuilding a Union
What will you need and use for this class? SUPPLY LIST Spiral Notebook( 100 pgs. or more) Folder Pencils/Pens Resources Holt- United States History: Beginnings to 1877 History Alive-The United States through Industrialism Internet Access Class Website:
How will I be graded? Categories Student Engagement Student ProgressStudent Mastery Component # 1 10% Participation ( class discussions, and group work) 20% Classwork (notebook) 20% Tests/Proficiency Assessments Component # 2 10% Homework ( given at least once a week) 20% Quizzes (announced and unannounced) 20 % Projects/ Performance Assessments * Remember, I DO NOT give grades, you earn them! A B C D U-69-0
What are the class expectations for my behavior? 1. Be Safe: Make sure no one is harmed by your actions. Keep all body parts to yourself. Speak nicely and use kind words to students and staff. 2. Be Respectful: Value the feelings, rights, and property of all. Follow teacher directions and the signal for silence. Be courteous to all students and staff. 3. Be Responsible: Make choices that lead to your success. Be prepared for class. Be on time to class.
What consequences can I expect if you do not follow the class expectations? You can expect one of the following if you do not follow the class expectations: Verbal or Nonverbal Warning TAB in or TAB out Student Conference Parent/or Guardian Phone Call Lunch or After School Detention Counselor or Student Discipline Referral
What should you do if I’m absent? MAKE UP WORK/ABSENT When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to collect their missing work and use the class website. Students have the amount of days absent, plus one to complete work. LATE WORK Students who turn in late work will receive reduced points off, for every day the assignment is late.
Review & Reminders Today we learned about me as your teacher and my expectations for you to be successful in this class. Get Your Syllabus signed