ATLAS CNAF in 2010  ATLAS data distribution: o import from T0, import/export from/to Atlas tier1s and It tiers2 o data disk crisis in May.


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Presentation transcript:

ATLAS CNAF in 2010  ATLAS data distribution: o import from T0, import/export from/to Atlas tier1s and It tiers2 o data disk crisis in May due to a delay of installation of pledged resources o 2011: data to be sent to cnaf according to pledged resources  MC production o no major issues o 2011: same load expected (new 8TeV)  DATA re-processing: May and November o In Nov reprocessed all 2010 p-p data o with available resources CNAF can take charge of more data to reprocess o HI data processing now also at cnaf o HI data to be reprocessed in Jan/Feb 2011  User ANALYSIS o started on July. new analysis schema: dynamical data distribution based on dataset popularity o observed high load of network resources o in 2011 expected similar or higher load

Comparazione tra i T1 di CMS: Metrica relativa alla stabilità del sito calcolata in base al successo di diversi test: SAM, JobRobot, Good links CNAF tra i migliori come stabilità Downtime critici: - problemi configurazione utenti (Marzo) - upgrade sistema di storage (Giugno/Luglio) - upgrade kernel (Settembre) - problemi GPFS (Ottobre) Problemi recenti: problemi di autorizzazione quando sono stati aggiunti due pool account nuovi per HI (l'aggiunta dei nuovi ruoli è stata un po' faticosa forse è necessaria una maggiore coordinazione) Richiesta sviluppo info provider per lo storage rimasta pending per mesi attualmente in fase di risoluzione

Trasferimenti Volume cumulativo di dati trasferiti dal CNAF nell'ultimo anno. Prevalenza dei T2 italiani Legnaro Pisa Job di CMS a CNAF Reprocessing Prompt skimming Da Agosto 2010 è iniziata l'attività di produzione montecarlo. (Prima solo ai T2)

Jobs succeded&failed vs time in all T1’s (last month) Quite stable running conditions for CNAF

Percentage of successes&failures CNAF had the lowest fraction of job failures (note: failures include human mistakes by production manager of analysis users): 85% & 15%

Share of succeded jobs amongst T1’s CNAF had the largest absolute number of succeded jobs (just after CERN) And one of the smallest for failed jobs (second only to smaller sites)

GPFS NSD  farm I/O last month Average of 266 MB/s with peaks up to 1.5 GB/s in output, negligible in input (the bulk of I/O is made by analysis user jobs which read a lot of data and produce small ntuples) Running jobs (T1 queue) last month Last week number of jobs increased  Start of 2010 data reprocessing  More analysis jobs to show results at the LHCb week

ALICE FARMING ALICE Activity at the Tier1: MC production RAW->ESD reconstruction User Analysis ALICE::CNAF activity last month: CNAF  14% of ALICE(last month) ALICE LSF queue last week In the last period there was an intensive activity of ALICE at CNAF Smaller sites are neglected in this plot

ALICE STORAGE 2 storage use cases: T1D0 (disk=385T), T0D1(disk=770T) -> 2 filesystems T1D0 Transfers T0->T1, T1->T1 raw data Target bandwidth 60MB/s T0D1 last week: 20 MB/s (MC) last week: 200 MB/s (analysis)

CDF Activities at CNAF in 2010 Moved CDF dedicated hardware to Virtual Machines Moved to SL5 on the farm  Validated experiment software  Tested official MC and Data catalog interface Tested succesfully data production for the first time outside FNAL, a relevant part of CDF reprocessing will be done at CNAF Continued with the usual data analysis activities Farm headnode - (in progress) SAM station - Parrot Code Server - Data Server - Proxy Server - test machines Running jobs 1k

BaBar activity 2010 at CNAF CNAF maintains a copy of all exp. data sample plus 1/3 of Charm events skim plus Y2S and Y3S data samples Skimming and simulation of new signal MC requested by Analysis Working Groups Analysis support (intense analysis period) at: SLAC, IN2P3, CNAF, Gridka 2010 Analysis performed at CNAF:  8 Charm analysis submitted/accepted to Journals  O(10) active users

SuperB activity 2010 at CNAF Design and development of distributed simulation production system: very fruitful interaction with CNAF experts CNAF is the center of distributed production system three successful official productions performed in 2010 core production services resides at CNAF  Bookkeeping DB (REST job interface), GANGA as submission system, Web production tools, Grid services: UI, SE(StoRM), WMS, VOMS, LFC Central official MC data repository (gpfs_superb) Most of analysis activity performed at CNAF farm

CSN2 Cosmic Ray Study ARGO-YBJ Surface Detector (in YBJ-Tibet m a.s.l). MAGIC Cherenkov Telescope (in La Palma Canary Islands, Spain) AUGER Surface + Fluorescence Detectors (in Malargue, Argentina) FERMI Gama-Ray Space Telescope PAMELA Space Observatory at 1AU AMS-02 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (on the main truss of the ISS) Gravitational Wave Study VIRGO interferometric detector in Cascina near Pisa

MAIN ACTIVITIES IN 2010 Data distribution ARGO-YBJ: data transfer from YBJ to CNAF on disk and backup on tape; data mirroring to Roma3 VIRGO: data transfer from Cascina to CNAF on disk and backup on tape AMS-02: data transfer from CERN to CNAF on tape PAMELA: data transfer from Mephi to CNAF on tape AUGER: Data mirroring from Lyon to CNAF

MAIN ACTIVITIES IN 2010 MC Production: local and grid usage of resources EAS Simulations, nucleons, electrons Detector response simulations Data processing ARGO-YBJ : raw data reconstruction; re-processing of 2008 raw data Data Reduction PAMELA: 2 data reduction per year User ANALYSIS ARGO-YBJ: EAS reconstructed analysis and user dedicated analysis

Atlas: Claudia Ciocca Lorenzo Rinaldi (Manoj Jha) CMS: Daniele Andreotti Chiara Genta LHCB: Paolo Franchini Alice: Francesco Noferini Babar: Armando Fella CDF: Gabriele Compostella CSN2: Anna Karen Calabrese Melcarne Giovanni Zizzi