Interactive Courses in Finance and Management Studies Special Solutions for Academy
About Global Finance School Global Finance School is an American corporation, employing an international team of professionals writing and producing high quality educational materials in finance, management, stock market and economics. Global Finance School’s premium product for academic institutions is a set of Interactive Courses.
Why Learn About Finance? To better understand the world around us, in a time of global crises and unstable markets. To establish a solid path for a successful management career. To gain the necessary tools required to fulfill life goals, both in the professional and personal levels.
What is an Interactive Course? It allows self paced learning in front of a computer. The courses include review questions and quizzes. Interactive elements, lookup tasks and videos are integrated in the material. DEMO
Special Benefits for Academy Tracking of students usage of the system, including: – No. of logins, time spent learning. – Grades. – Statistics in student level and class level. Professors can add their own assignments and exams, and assign grades. The courses and portal can be co-branded.
Available Courses Business Studies: Accounting Finance Valuations Business Law Marketing Advanced Finance Finance for Non- Financial Managers Investments: Home Finance Bonds Options Options Strategies The Stock Market US Capital Markets Commodities Economics: Economics Macroeconomics Statistics Advanced Statistics Math Econometrics