Brief Response How did Gandhi’s “civil disobedience” succeed in getting Britain to give more rights to Indians and even begin talks of Indian independence?


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Presentation transcript:

Brief Response How did Gandhi’s “civil disobedience” succeed in getting Britain to give more rights to Indians and even begin talks of Indian independence? Gandhi’s demonstrations were peaceful, British policing was brutal. –The public saw the laws were unfair to Indians. The media was invited to record how brutal the British were behaving. Public support went to the Indians and the British people put pressure on the Parliament to give India what it wanted.

Violence and Suffering Persist in the new Republic of China p. 405 Sun Yixian (Sun Yat Sen)

Republic Under Sun Yixian, China became a republic in EC: (3) The Republic of China had three goals that looked impossible to achieve: Nationalism Democracy Economic security for everyone

These “two evils” kept China from progress in the 1920s: Warlord uprisings Foreign imperialism

China (google Earth)google Earth

Japanese Pressure Twenty One Demands: greyTwenty One Demands 1915, Japan forced/offered an agreement that would make China a protectorate of Japan. –China resisted on only a few points, and Japan gained more power over it.

Treaty of Versailles Treaty makers granted Japan German lands in China. This angered many Chinese who felt it should be returned to China.

Sun’s dictatorial successor. Yuan Shikai. Instead of being democratic, he took control, attempting to be the new emperor. hedied in the country was divided and chaotic.

Chinese nationalists grew angrier May Fourth Movement: 1919, students in Peking protested the government’s weakness with the foreigners. They and other intellectuals demanded changes:

Footbinding: Chinese reformers sought to end foot-binding….. A practice done by families of any property and wealth, even lower class families. Foot was deliberately deformed from infancy into late childhood by parents. Claimed to romantically pleasing/fashionable. Actually a way to ensure immobility of women as wives, almost guaranteeing all children will be the husbands’. Being foot-bound increased the chances of marrying into a wealthier family….. Worksheet: NPRNPR

Sun Yixian was still active by His party moved the capital to __________, southern China Nanjing Sun’s Nationalist government had several goals: (3) –Raise an army –Defeat the warlords –Unite China under one governmentgovernment

Help for Sun Sun hoped that the Western imperialists would help, but they would not. Sun turned to the ________ for help. –Soviet Union That country’s leader, _______, agreed, but only if _________ (3) Lenin –Sun allowed Chinese communists to be part of his government. Sun agreed.

The Soviet Union’s Agents Spread Communism to China Lenin started the _________ to spread Communist Revolution globally –Comintern (Communist International) They helped Chinese communists plan to: (4) –develop their party, –spread their ideas, –gain supporters, –overthrow the government.

Vanguard: the elite or first leaders of a new movement. Early Chinese communists were students and military officers. Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai

A Rising Leader A young, ex-peasant, _________, was one of the surviving Communists. Mao Zedong, –He became a leader as they reorganized. –He believed that there was not enough proletariat (industrial/office workers) in China to gain supporters. He wanted to recruit from the large peasant population.

After Sun’s Death, most peasants hated the Guomindang (Nationalist) troops in the 30s: Demanded information and support 4/6 Seized food Raped women Seized or stole other property/money

Sun died in 1925, _______________________ took control of the Guomindang –Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai Shek) He was a corrupt dictator, –He continued the effort to gain total control of the country.

1926 By 1926, Jiang had defeated all the warlords. Jiang was jealous of the growth of the ________________ Party. –Communist In 1927, Jiang kicked them out of the government. –He ordered his troops to slaughter them in Shanghai. They defended themselves, but were on the run. –This started the 22-year long __________________ –Chinese Civil War.

The Long March: The Guomindang army pursued the Communists over much of China (p. 408) for over a year, The Communists lost 90% of their forces, but survived. –The Communists became legendary heroes to many Chinese.

After Sun’s Death, most peasants hated the Guomindang troops in the 30s: (4) Demanded information and support Seized food Raped women Seized or stole other property/money This made millions support the Communists

Communist Tact During the civil war, Mao made sure Communist troops…. (3) –paid people for food and supplies –offered help to rebuild –Gave medical treatment to peasants. Communists settled in Southeast China and raised a new force. –They had many recruits from anti- Guomindang people.

Civil War on Hold The Guomindang and Communists stopped fighting to join and fight Japan. –It would erupt again when Japan is defeated in what year? –1945.

EC: Japan’s Aggression : Took control of Manchuria. 1937: attacks China Jiang Jieshi had to fight two wars. (2) –the Communists –The Japanese Japan was successful in taking many parts of northeast and east China.

Uneasy Alliance Some in the Guomindang made Jiang do the unthinkable to fight Japan: –they wanted him to join forces with the Communists as a united front. He did, but neither side trusted the other. Allied observers felt the communists fought the Japanese better and were supported by the Chinese people.

Japanese Atrocities Japanese troops committed savage atrocities against areas that resisted them. The most notable was the “Rape of _______”. Nanjing –Japanese troops, could not find Chinese soldiers who were dressed as civilians, –They went after everyone in the city: Shooting Bayoneting Raping, torturing, and murdering –Over 200,000 people died, and more wounded, in two days.

Allies against Japanese Invasion, 1930s China, represented by Jiang and the Guomindang, got foreign help— EC (3) –The Soviet Union sent advisors and equipment –Hitler’s Germany sold it weapons and uniforms. –economic support came from Britain, France, and the United States. American volunteers flew American planes for the Chinese Air Force.


Standards Check, p. 406 Question: May Fourth Movement, 1919 The warlord uprisings weakened China Japan made moves further into China Chinese were angry at their weak government.

Comparing Viewpoints, 407 Question Jiang: –Government should have one strong leader, (himself) Mao: –Government should be run by the peasant masses

Standards Check, p. 407 Question: The Long March…. Communists retreated from Guomindang to remote northern China Used guerrilla tactics to survive.

Map Skills, Rivers, mountains 3 The Guomindang joined forces with the Communists to fight….. –Warlords –The Japanese Otherwise, the Guomindang continued to try to destroy the Communists and mistreat the people.

Standards Check, p. 409 Question: The Japanese threatened all Chinese, whether they were Communist or Guomindang. Causing them to unite.

Brief Response What problems plagued China’s efforts to build an effective economy and republic?