EDP Sciences was founded in 1920 Among the founders: Antoine Béclère, Paul et Louis de Broglie, Marie Curie, Paul Langevin, Louis Lumière, Jean Perrin, … Belongs to learned societies Publications: 55 journals (Mathematics, Physics & Astrophysics, Life Sciences, Medicine) A platform for Conferences in Open Access, Web of Conferences 50 books (in French) EDP Sciences – Publishing Partner of the Scientific Communities
Among the journals: Astronomy & Astrophysics The European Physical Journals series (A-E, ST, H) Co-publishing with Springer and The Italian Physical Society EPL (Europhysics Letters) Co-publishing with The Italian Physical Society, The European Physical Society and IOPP A magazine, EurophysicsNews, with The European Physical Society EDP Sciences
From January 2011, partnership with Cambridge University Press With have our own publication platform: -Workflow in XML, 7000 articles published per year -One tools for management of manuscript, MMS (Manuscript Management System) EDP Sciences
Working on: Open Access A portal for branding European Journals with the European Physical Society Better management of the production workflow E-books, to have more interactivity. EDP Sciences