“Short term” Goal to “long term Goal”
The platform obtained so far... While working hard for obtaining education in higher institution, selected in VIT University, a place to grow and giving firmness to ideas. Out of various branches offered at University on the basis of ranking, suffice eligible to get into ECE branch, and became an integral part of it by joining TEC, The Electronics Club. Got opportunities to develop personal skills and experiences after volunteering and participating various events organised at University fests.
Academics Proceedings & Intentions Working hard and in regular to obtain good G.P.A.s, hence in turn a qualitative C.G.P.A. Participating YES societies, NSS team work and other University internals, orienting to develop a skills to face social and innovative strategies to perform verities of industrial tasks. Working on to obtain good & qualitative internships and learning entrepreneur skills so that deserving a placement at dream package, particularly in leading stake-holders like Intel, IEEE, IBM and others.
Intending MBA After getting and stabilized in a company on service level, preparations for MBA exams to get admission in top Universities conducting management programs. Most probably, to undergo MBA in U.S.A., through scholarship, as motivated by my cousin pursuing MBA in New York University. Getting high ranking of MBA, as prior choices of courses are Industrial Management, Human Resources, Financial Management etc.
From MBA to Industry As experiences gained through internships, management programs, learning entrepreneur skills to apply in forecasting a market plan Realising market plan, through successive and efficient investments, that gives a chance to grow in primary as well as secondary sectors. Through continuing improvements and on the basis of experiences gained by previous feed back, running over a higher share prices and stock indices.
From Industry to International Market Once the industrial products outputs in positive stock indices, trying for having divisions and extension of product range. Through continue use of technology and innovation, extending and investing higher to positive income, once it is obtained, enhancing the employment range so as to reduce exchange flow of currency. After exchange of currency is somewhat controlled, reducing custom duties to enhance exports, thus contributing in Nation’s economy & development.
Thank You Presentation on “Short term to long term Goal” By Rajat Maheshwari 13BEC0362 L20-L21