JRA1/Job Submission and Monitoring Moreno Marzolla on behalf of JRA1/Job Submission Task INFN Sezione di Padova, OMII-EU AH Meeting, Edinburgh, Nov 5—7 2007
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE JRA1/Job Submission status Development of CREAM-BES and UNICORE-BES ongoing – Alpha CREAM-BES installed on EI – UNICORE-BES endpoint available at FZJ – Beta versions expected by end of november CREAM-BES and UNICORE-BES will both be demonstrated at Supercomputing'07 – wg/wiki/HomePage
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Supported features JSDL v1.0 – With some limitations, being addressed – See for CREAM- BEShttp://grid.pd.infn.it/omii/cream-bes BES v1.0 – Mostly everything is working High Performance Computing Profile (HPCP) extension – Mandatory for SC07
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Planning M6M12M18 MJRA1.7 Definition of the required extensions needed to JSDL to satisfy OMII-Europe requirements MJRA1.17 BES will be evaluated with respect to its adoption in the middleware of the OMII-Europe partners MJRA1.8 GridSAM integration into UNICORE: architecture and implementation availableMJRA1.9 Implementation of JSDL into OMII-Europe middleware together with the extensions identifiedMJRA1.10 OMII-Europe supports BES plus required extensions M2 0 M9M23 DJRA1.9 DJRA1.10 We are here
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Work plan Take part to SC07 BES interop demo OMII-EU repository entries already linked with ETICS Milestone MJRA1.9 will contain initial documentation of the BES services – Initial basis for training material Start QA/Compliance Testing ASAP EGEE-II demonstrated great interest for CREAM-BES – EGEE-II—OMII-EU session at EGEE'07 in Budapest – JRA1/Job Submit software release dates compatible with EGEE-II requirements
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Interaction interaction with other activities – JRA1/VOMS: both UNICORE6 and CREAM-BES will consume SAML assertions Output of JRA1/Job Submission – Will be fed to the Traning Activity (NA3) – Will be needed for compliance testing (SA2) – Will be needed for benchmarking (JRA4) Issues – None serious so far – Lately lots of effort was concentrated on development, while documentation is lacking behind
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Software Delivery Schedule
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Thanks for your attention
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE CREAM-BES and gLite Legacy Interface Legacy Interface BES Interface BES Engine CREAM Core CREAM Core
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Longer term plans EGEE-II expressed interest in supporting BES CEs natively – This means that jobs submitted through gLite User Interface could be submitted to BES services This requires the development of a new component for gLite, which takes care of job submission from the Workload Management System (WMS) to a BES Computing Element (CE) – Similar to the existing Interface to CREAM Environment (ICE) component, which submits jobs through the legacy CREAM interface
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE A possible way to support BES in gLite UI WMS Use r BES Connector CE CREAM CE BES CE Condor CE BES CE UNICORE CE BES WMProxy