Presbyterian World Mission A ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Tamron Keith Manager, Finance (World Mission) November 12, 2014
Our Time Together Overview of Presbyterian World Mission Historic beginnings A paradigm shift We are better together Focused Mission Engagement … Three Critical Global Initiatives The ways we partner in mission engagement
Presbyterian World Mission 177 years of history to build on
Doing mission in PARNTERSHIP We are one part of the larger body of Christ Other communities have equally unique and valuable places in God’s mission in the world. Partnership puts us in a place of: Relationship and Humility. Partnership is a discipline, sometimes messy, and rarely the easiest way to get things done. But, it produces the most faithful results. .
Communities of “Mission Practice”
Three Critical Global Initiatives (CGI) POVERTY: Address root causes of poverty, especially as they impact women and children. o Campaign: Educate a Child, Transform the World EVANGELISM: Together with our partners share the good news of the gospel. o Campaign: Train Leaders for Community Transformation RECONCILIATION: Work for reconciliation in cultures of violence, including our own. o Campaign: End Violence Against Women and Children
A continuum of faithful Christian responses to Christ’s mission “Hands-on” Acts of mercy: Food banks, building projects “Empowering Partners” Sustainable Development: Long-term projects that are done in partnership “Advocacy” Engagement: Legislation, corporate activity, Compassion/ Relief Justice/ Development Transformation/ Advocacy
World Mission Structure Mission Personnel Team Area Offices o Africa o Asia and the Pacific o Middle East/Central Europe o Latin America Equipping for Mission Involvement (EMI) Catalyst office for CGI Young Adult Volunteers Director’s Office
Eliminates most legal and compliance concerns related to: – Sending funds internationally – Sending mission co-workers, long term- volunteers and/or young adult volunteers internationally for mission service. Is a great resource – Connecting PCUSA constituents with global partners and global partner projects – For PCUSA constituents who do short-term mission trips Partnering in Mission Engagement, World Mission...
What Ways Can We Partner With You? Thank you for your ministry and service!