John Callaghan's childhood
My life before the evacuation I lived a peaceful life with my parents and my three brothers. With my father, we used to fish at the nearest river, it was very funny. At this time, I was a quiet child unlike my three brothers. My parents often did dinners with all my family, it always turned to disaster, which was very funny. At school, I never learned my lessons but I was good at mathematics. Basically, I was a happy child.
London Bombing When London was bombed, people were panicstricken because there was noise everywhere.
Children's evacuation Children were evacuated for their security. My brothers and I went to the countryside, we were very sad and unhappy.
The nightmare Our foster parents were very impatient and cruel with us, it was a nightmare to be with them. We were bullied...
My homecoming When my brothers and I got back, our parents were there to greet us, we quickly found a smile, because the nightmare was finally over. We could return to our quiet life...