Workshop and TTX Summary Tana Alert, MEP US EPA, Region 9
“Simple Truth” FSE Purpose: exercise plans and multi- agency coordination during a biological event Scenario: aerosolized delivery of anthrax spores in Las Vegas, NV US EPA deployed to FEMA RRCC, NV EOC and Las Vegas, NV
ESF 8 & 10 Follow-Up Exercise ESF 8 & 10 Follow-Up Exercise Public Health and Environmental agencies interested in coordinated response and transition to recovery efforts Focus: enhance coordination of prevention and preparedness within Nevada
Participating Agencies Local AgenciesState Agencies Clark County Emergency Management Agency NV Division of Emergency Management Las Vegas Valley Water DistrictNV Division of Environmental Protection Southern Nevada Water AuthorityNV State Health Division City of North Las Vegas, WaterNV National Guard Southern Nevada Health DistrictAZ Division of Emergency Management Federal Agencies US EPA, Regions 8, 9, 10 Department of Defense, DCO, Region 9 FEMA, Region 9
1 st Day - Workshop Topics Response Considerations following a Wide Area Anthrax Attack –Donn Zuroski, EPA FOSC –EPA duties and response considerations; important to understand capabilities of all agencies involved in response Clark County’s Disaster Response –Irene Navis, Emergency Management –Key functions in emergency mgmt and homeland security; Member of Bio-Watch and participated in bio-hazard TTX & full-scale exercises Bio-Hazard Response Overview –Dan Mackie, NV State Health Division –Epidemiological perspective to bio-hazard events, including the history and prophylaxis. 1. Lessons Learned from Previous Bio- Hazard Responses – Fred Stroud, EPA ERT 2. Evolution of Bio-Response Since 2001 – Leroy Mickelsen, EPA CMAT 3. Water Utility Emergency Response to Airborne Contamination, 1:30-2:30 Facilitated Discussion (cont.) 2:30-4:30 Work Groups: Data Management & Risk Communication 4:30-5:00 Workgroup Debriefing 5:00-5:30 Hot Wash
Workshop Topics Lessons Learned from Previous Bio- Hazard Responses –Fred Stroud, EPA ERT –Sampling methods and decontamination options at US Capitol Hart Building & AMI in FL Evolution of Bio-Response since 2001 –Leroy Mickelsen, EPA Consequence Advisory Team –Reviewed the challenges of wide-area remediation and BOTE in ID
Workshop Topics Water Utility Emergency Response to Airborn Contamination –Bruce Mackler, EPA; Kirk Medina, City of N. Las Vegas Water –Drinking water utility concerns; WARN MOAs Data Management –Randy Nattis, EPA FOSC –Environmental Database, Data Management Plan
2 nd Day - Facilitated Discussion Local & State overview of “Simple Truth” lessons learned Objectives: –Hazardous Materials Decontamination –Protection of Water Supply –Data Management –Risk Communications
Mod 1: Operational Coordination Unified Command, Unified Coordination, Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) –Action Item: training on resource request process from local to state to federal Sampling and Lab Capabilities –Action Item: test CST capabilities in an operational exercise
Mod 2 – Decon & Clean-Up Decon critical infrastructure priority –Action Item: establish decon priority- setting guidance to assist Unified Command –Align guidance with critical infrastructure planning
Mods 3, 4, 5 Mod 3 - Safety of Water Supply Mod 4 – Risk Communications Mod 5 – Data Management
Risk Communication Work Group Created Plan Template –Purpose: consistent, aligned message based on science, SMEs and credible spokespeople –Organization /Info Flow: IC → JIC → Public –Strategies for Public and Responders –Key Messages: what’s risk, protective actions –Specialized messages –Contacts –Resources
Data Management Work Group Phase 1 – delineation: where’s the plume? Phase 2 – clearance: high quality data Strengths: compatibility amongst agencies’ databases, trigger points between delineation and clearance Improvement: where in NIMS/ICS is sampling, need SMEs, HIPAA concerns
3 rd Day – Training & Tour ICS for Executives EPA-ERT site tour
Workshop & TTX Strengths Recovery phase focus Unified Command discussion Request to continued engagement Collaboration between local, state and federal agencies Increased awareness for coordination and capability development
Workshop & TTX Areas of Improvement Unified Command training Invite other representatives: –private sector representative (casinos and utilities) –wastewater –law enforcement
Reference Documents Arizona Recovery Framework Denver UASI All-Hazards Regional Recovery Framework Workshop presentations and Players Handbook posted on RRT9 website
Questions? Contact: Tana Alert