1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
Allow the reader to get a glimpse of your past, present, and future as it relates to your professional journey. A chance for you to reveal to the reader your career goals in a unique, authentic, and honest way (Share your story TASTEFULLY) 2Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
College Applications Scholarship Applications Job Applications Part of an Interview Process Portfolio Additions 3Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
For College Admission? -Why should you be accepted? For Scholarship Opportunities? -Why should you receive the money? For Job Position? -Why should you be the one hired? 4Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
Some applications will ask a specific question, with a specific word count A few drafts will be written before your final document is ready Share it with others because their input may make it stronger, clearer, and tighter This is NOT a repeat of your resume, application, or transcripts (It’s a chance to elaborate, explain, and invite the reader in) Our goal is to close the distance between you and the reader (You may use “I”- but don’t over do it ) 5Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
Do Focus on your strengths & qualities relative to your profession of choice Brainstorm, Draft, Share, Revise, then Finalize Start with an attention grabber! Use my resource packet for writing HELP Don’t Begin with “My name is” Summarize your life story Include needless details (focus on the purpose & audience) Exceed 1 page Forget about paragraphs Overly compliment yourself 6Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
“After years of being verbally abused and bullied in school, I eventually fell into a depression. This depression resulted in my getting poor grades in school. The idea of dropping out of high school sounded great. I wanted to do my own thing and get away from everyone that hurt me. My counselor tried reaching out to me. Even though he was never helpful, he was the one that introduced me to the opportunities at TCD. ” 9Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
“There was a time in my life where I had to make some critical decisions. Due to various difficult situations that I was experiencing, I realized that my future was not as far away as I thought. I needed to turn my life around quickly and begin to focus on my future. I began to set goals for myself and I was determined to achieve them. One day, it all became clear. Technology Center of DuPage would be my lucky opportunity.” 10Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
11Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
I like to cook. I think being a chef would be fun. I want to own a restaurant one day. I enjoy creating new recipes. I am certain being a chef would be very gratifying. I intend to own my own establishment one day. 12Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
I enjoy spending time creating recipes and trying new tastes. ______________ I enjoy learning about the different tastes around the world. a) On the contrary b) In addition c) Eventually d) Besides 13Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
The students learned by taking vigorous notes and paying close attention to the teacher. By paying close attention to the teacher and taking vigorous notes, the students learned. The students took vigorous notes and learned by paying close attention to the teacher. 14Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
1) Use the Brainstorming Outline to create the paragraphs for the Body of the paper 2) Save your Introduction and Conclusion for the very end!!! 15Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist
1) Outline 2) Rough Draft 3) 2 Review Signature Sheets (from peer and instructor) 4) Final Draft 5) Rubric DUE DATE: __________________ Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist16