Careers in law and justice and Employability Skills
Lesson #1 Discovering Careers Induction Question -What are the skills needed to obtain job in the law enforcement field? - What are the requirements for various public safety personal?
Lesson #1 Discovering Careers Assignment Step #1 : Using the worksheet provided, research three careers in the criminal justice field. Step #2: Once you have identified three jobs, complete the information in the table for each job Step #3: After you have completed this step, summarize what goals you would have to achieve to obtain each job Step#4: List the steps which you would take to get the job Step #5 Complete the Vocabulary and the question in part 3
Lesson #2 & 3 Getting a Job & Completing an Application Induction Question -What are the skills needed to complete a job application in the law enforcement field? -Why is it important to have a job application completed accurately
Further Discussion -What is the advantage of gathering information by using an application? -What is the advantage of gathering information by using a resume? - What is the advantage of gathering information by using an interview? Lesson #2 & 3 Getting a Job & Completing an Application
Assignment - Students will then Complete the following assignment: -Have students log onto -Have students type in employment application in the search bar -Have students summarize the article -Have students create an application for a fictitious employer -The student should include the following sections: Employment desired, education, membership in organization, former employers ** If you finish early, proof read your application and check for errors and then turn the assignment into the basket!
Lesson #5 Completing a Job Interview Induction Questions -What Should I do to prepare for a job interview? -Have you attended any job interviews and which ways have you prepared for them? -What types of behaviors/habits/appearance would you find offensive if you were the one conducting the job interview? -How do you feel the following concepts affect a job interview Personal Hygiene, Clothing, other presentation?
Lesson #5 Preparing for a job Interview
What could have Nathan done to improve his “brand” or make a more positive impression? What do you think the interviewer may have been thinking about Nathan and why?
What could Nathan do differently to improve his odds of getting the job? After watching the video what factors do you think helped Nathan get the job?
Assignment Use the information which you gained throughout the lessons and the videos to complete the “ Preparing for a job interview worksheet. If you finish the worksheet before the end of class, locate another student and as a pair discuss and name at least three positive things about your perspective brands. If time permits we will share them as a class. Turn in your worksheet before leaving the class!!
Lesson 4 Completing a resume Induction Question -What is a Resume? -What information will be needed on a resume ? - Why is a resumes important to the interview or selection process?
Lesson 4 and 5 Completing a resume & Completing a job interview Assignment Step #1 Research what are the different types of information which should go into a resume for a person seeking entry employment Step #2 Following the guidelines of rubric and using a technology source follow these steps to create a resume - Open Microsoft Word - Go to file and click on new in the drop down menu - In the search box type in resume - Use one of the templates to create a resume The resume should include: Name, address, phone number, stated career objective, education & training and the institution of the training, hobbies. This resume should be tailored to a job which you would apply to now! Step #3 After creating a resume, make sure to proof read it for grammatical errors, then pair up with a partner to complete the peer review. If your partner tells you that you need corrections, correct the resume before turning it in. Step #4 When you feel the resume is good enough to land you a job, turn it in, along with the peer review, and rubric.
Lesson 6 Cover Letter Induction Question(s) -Think about a time that you went to the mall or shopped online, when you saw an item that you wanted or just had to have, what caught your attention about the item? - What is a cover letter anyway?
Activity Step #1: Using various sources, research either a specific criminal justice job or a job which you would be able to obtain now. Step #2: Once you have researched a job and obtained information, look up an additional sample cover letter from the internet, to use as a guide. After you feel comfortable that you have found a job which you would want to apply for, create a rough draft of a cover letter on notebook paper. Step #3: After you have completed the rough draft of the cover letter, pair up with a partner and have them proof read your cover letter. After your partner has read your cover letter, they should complete the peer review. You should perform the same actions for your partner. Step #4: After the peer review is complete and all corrections are made on the final draft of the cover letter, turn it in along with the peer review and the rubric.
Lesson #7 The Informal Interview Induction Question: What is an informal interview and how can it assist me in choosing a public safety related career?
Informal Interview Assignment In this assignment, you will research a criminal justice/law related career field in which you are interested in. After deciding on the field, you will contact someone in that career field and conduct an informal interview, utilizing the questions provided in the class handout. Once you have completed your interview, via phone, or In person, you will use your notes from the interview to type of a brief summary of the meeting. The typed paper should be a minimum of 1 page, double spaced, 12 inch, Tines New Roman Font. The Assignment will be due Wednesday 08/23/2016. On the due date you will be expected to present your findings to the class, as well as turn in your paper!
Lesson #8 The Formal Interview Induction Question What is a formal Interview and why is it important to me? Who all has attended a formal Interview
The Formal Interview Group (A) Preparation Assignment This assignment will take place over several class periods and will count as your assessment for the Unit! The purpose of the assignment will be for you to put yourself in the position of the job interviewer and the interviewee. On Thursday 08/18/16, students designed as group (A) members will research a criminal justice/law related career which they will act as the interviewer for. Members of this group will do the following: -Identify a Career -Establish a list of qualifications which you would want an applicant to have when interviewing for a job -Compile a list (minimum 20) questions which you will ask the interviewee during the interview. -Design an application for the interviewee to file out at the start of the interview On Thursday 08/18/2016, Students designated group (B) will compile a professional portfolio for the upcoming interview. This portfolio should contain the following: -Resume -Cover Letter -List of additional qualification, skills, accomplishments ( in addition from the resume) -All information should be compiled in an easy to read format Group (A) will conduct interviews on Monday 08/22/2016
The Formal Interview Group (B) Preparation Assignment This assignment will take place over several class periods and will count as your assessment for the Unit! The purpose of the assignment will be for you to put yourself in the position of the job interviewer and the interviewee. On Friday 08/19/16, students designed as group (B) members will research a criminal justice/law related career which they will act as the interviewer for. Members of this group will do the following: -Identify a Career -Establish a list of qualifications which you would want an applicant to have when interviewing for a job -Compile a list (minimum 20) questions which you will ask the interviewee during the interview. -Design an application for the interviewee to file out at the start of the interview On Friday 08/19/2016, Students designated group (A) will compile a professional portfolio for the upcoming interview. This portfolio should contain the following: -Resume -Cover Letter -List of additional qualification, skills, accomplishments ( in addition from the resume) -All information should be compiled in an easy to read format Group (A) will conduct interviews on Monday 08/23/2016
Formal Interview Induction Question(s) Interviewer is there a certain attitude you plan on displaying towards the interviewee during the interview? Why do you plan on displaying this attitude? Interviewee Is there a certain attitude you plan on displaying at the job interview? What is the attitude and how do you think it will be effective during the interview?
Formal Interview for Group B Group A will conduct interviews for Group B Group A Step #1: Find a desk and set up your area for the formal interview. Things which you should have with you as you are conducting the interview are the following: - Application for position - Description of the position - List of questions which you plan on asking the applicant - Formal interview Rubric Please remember the interview should last for a MINIMUM of 10 minutes **** After the formal interview has been completed, take the application/ Rubric and all documents from the group A member staple them together and turn them in! Group B Take time to prepare for your interview, make sure that you have everything in your interview portfolio which you will need for the interview. When your interview partner is ready to begin the interview you may start. If you finish early, turn in all of your portfolio documents and return to your seat.
Formal Interview for Group A Group B Step #1: Find a desk and set up your area for the formal interview. Things which you should have with you as you are conducting the interview are the following: - Application for position - Description of the position - List of questions which you plan on asking the applicant - Formal interview Rubric Please remember the interview should last for a MINIMUM of 10 minutes **** After the formal interview has been completed, take the application/ Rubric and all documents from the group A member staple them together and turn them in! Group A Take time to prepare for your interview, make sure that you have everything in your interview portfolio which you will need for the interview. When your interview partner is ready to begin the interview you may start. If you finish early, turn in all of your portfolio documents and return to your seat
Informal Interview Presentation Induction Question: -Do you still want to pursue this career after speaking with a working professional about it? Why or why not? -What was the most interesting thing that you learned from the informal interview?
Assignment Presentations !!!!!!! -2-3 minute minimum !!
Professional Portfolio Induction Question! How do you feel that having a profession portfolio will help you prepare for a real world job interview? What all should go into a professional portfolio and why do you feel these documents are important?
Assignment Step #1 Using the previous documents which you have developed, compile a professional portfolio to be used in your personal job search as well as the CTAE career fair which will be held in early October Step #2 The following documents should accompany the portfolio. -Cover Letter (generic) -Resume -Generic list of skills and qualifications All documents should be typed using Microsoft word, Times New Roman, 12 Point Font