Ancient civilization by savanna
Ancient Mesopotamia ePeople build different kinds of communities on different kinds of land. eIn mach the same way the world’s first cities. eMost of the Mesopotamia located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. eThe fist cities in a part of Mesopotamia called Summer had few resources. eThe Sumerians did not use an alphabet as most people do today. To the sumerians the work of some people was more important than the the work of others. The ruins of the ziggurat Assur still stand in now lraq.As the most other ancient civilizations the fist government in Mesopotamia were monarchies.
Ancient Egypt eThe only place they could farm was along the bank of the Nile river. eThe flood left rich soil called slite along the river’s bank. e by about 3500 B.C. two large kingdomshad formed Egypt.
Ancient India eThink about how people today ues natural resources. eToday the country of India fills most of the peninsula. eSome small Indus valley villages grew Into large cities.
Ancient China eLong ago oceans mountains and deserts often blocked the way of travelers. eAfter a time many different kingdom Formed in ancient China. To the ancient the family was the most Import part of soiety.
Ancient Greece ePresent day Greece in south Europe is about the size of Florida. eIn many Greek communities the people built a fort. eAthens Sparta were two of most important Greek city states.
Ancient Rome During the time the Romans began to conquer or take over other lands. Rome’s first government was a monarchy. During this time the religion of Christianity. Like most people long ago the Romans believed in many gods.