Ghana By Joshua O
Cocoa farmers in Ghana pick cocoa pods and take the cocoa beans out. Cocoa pods grow on the cacao tree. The hot weather and rain is ideal for growing cocoa in Ghana. Most of the cocoa beans grown in Ghana are sent to the UK and other countries in Europe where they are made into chocolate.
The price farmers receive for their cocoa beans is often very low. The farmers can’t always afford to feed their children or send them to school. Some of the farmers are getting more benefits and money from selling cocoa to fair trade organisations such as Cadburys Dairy Milk in the UK.
Buying Fair trade chocolate is about using your power as a ‘consumer’ (someone who buys things). When people buy Fair trade chocolate it is a message to big companies that there is a better way to do business. When we buy Fair trade products we show that we really care for others – no matter how far away they live!
By buying products with the fair trade symbol you are helping farmers get a good price for their cocoa beans. They are able to eat everyday and send their children to school.
7 Christian Aid Think fair for trade
9 Look for products with this Mark.
10 Comfort Kumeah Image: Divine Chocolate
Paul’s message 11 “Please buy more Fairtrade chocolate because we make good quality cocoa and we sell it to Divine. The right beans make good chocolate and we get money to develop our communities.”
Prayer 13 Dear God, We thank you for the sweetness of berries, the tang of an apple, and the juice of an orange. We thank you for the richness of chocolate, and the people who help grow these foods. We thank you for the farmers, the harvesters, and the workers who allow us to keep our supermarket shelves fully stocked, and we pray that as we eat our food we may remember them, and those who struggle to have enough food. Help us make a difference in any little way we can. Amen.