Where Are States Located? Chapter 8: Political Geography Key Issue #1
Basics of States State (country) – area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government Established government Defined territory Permanent population Sovereignty – control over its internal affairs
Problems of Defining States Korea Dem. Repub. Of Korea (N. Korea) and Repub. Of Korea (S. Korea) Separated because of influence of Soviet Union and US following WWII Have consider unification but N. Korea nuclear ambitions is slowing progress China & Taiwan People’s Repub. Of China (China – Communist) & Republic of China (Taiwan – Nationalist) Nationalist party failed to stop communist revolution and fled to island of Taiwan Nationalists want independence China says “NO” Western Sahara Morocco claims control over Sahrawi Republic Morocco built a huge sand wall around territory South Pole Many countries have claimed territory on S. Pole Antarctic Treaty – no military activities, research facilities only US claims no land on S. Pole
Varying Size of States Largest state – Russia 6.6 million sq. miles Other large countries (more than 2 sq. miles): Canada, US, China, Brazil, & Australia Smallest state (in the UN) – Monaco.6 sq. mi Microstates – about 2 dozen microstates in the world Many are islands
Concept of a State Ancient Fertile Crescent – Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea Mesopotamia: city-state (town and surrounding farmland/area) Empires (multiple city-states) in the Fertile Crescent: Sumeria, Assyria, Babylon, & Persia Egypt’s Nile River valley empire Ancient Collapse of Roman Empire led to feudal system Kings ruled kingdom (specific parts of land) Strong kings led to modern countries and approximate boundaries
Concept of a State Colonies – territory tied to a sovereign state (but located outside of its boundaries) Colonialism – establishing territories in sparsely inhabited areas Reasons: Spread Christianity (God) Resources (gold) Establish political power (glory) Imperialism – taking control of inhabited (often sovereign) areas Mostly done by Europeans in Africa & Asia British Empire the biggest and most widespread