Unit 1: Lesson 2 What is an Economy?
JA BizTown -a community- a place where you will work, trade, and share. At JA BizTown you will become producers, work in businesses, and be consumers.
Economy: a system of production, consumption, and distribution of goods, services and resources.
Circular Flow Chart
Goods & Services
Circular Flow Chart Goods & Services Money
Resources: Things and people used to produce goods and services
Resources: Human Natural Capital
Human Resources: the skills and abilities of workers used in production.
Natural Resources: things used in production that occur naturally in the world, such as water.
Capital Resources: resources made by people, such as factories.
Circular Flow Chart Resources Goods & Services Money
Circular Flow Chart Resources Money Goods & Services Money
Market: a system in which people and businesses by and sell goods, services, and resources.
Circular Flow: a model of the movements of goods, services, resources, and money in an economy. Resources Money Goods & Services Money