Baseline Portfolio
Who am I? Who am I? Implications for Who am I as a learner Implications for Who am I as a learner Implications for Who am I as a teacher? Implications for Who am I as a teacher? Capacities Capacities Baseline Portfolio
My dreams motivate me to be better for the people I look up to and the people that look up to me. At the same time, they inspire me to pursue my dreams. The ability to be myself has a huge impact on my personal and professional life. When you experience it, you learn it. Baseline Portfolio
I am an observer. I learn how I want to do things by observing how others do them. I am verbal/linguistic. I like to discuss everything with everyone in order to determine exactly what I think. I am interpersonal. I like to be around people most of the time even if we are in silence together. Baseline Portfolio
I am... an SFU Alumni 2005: English major, Theatre Extended Minor. a fulltime junior English and Planning 10 teacher at Semiahmoo Secondary in South Surrey. a sponsor teacher for Semiahmoo’s Interact, Toastmasters’ and Dance clubs. involved in grad, sunshine and new teacher mentor committees. Baseline Portfolio
an SFU Alumni Grad 2005: English major, Theatre Extended Minor. a fulltime junior English and Planning 10 teacher at Semiahmoo Secondary in South Surrey. a sponsor teacher for Semiahmoo’s Interact, Toastmasters’ and Dance clubs. involved in grad, sunshine and new teacher mentor committees.
Developing a passion for self directed, ongoing learning which will inform our professional development outside of school which may challenge us to take risks. Goals: Make/Take the time to learn more about the things that interest me personally like creative writing, theatre, photography, & yoga. Take risks professionally in order to learn from them especially in the area of technology. Baseline Portfolio
Take the time to be assessed by self/colleagues/students periodically to monitor and value change in our practice, learning experiences and beliefs. Goals: Continue discussions with colleagues to gage where I think I am and where I aim to go. Keep track of successes as well as disappointments in a journal; reflect on them in times of doubt. Pursue professional readings and use them to inform my practice rather than “critique” it. Become more aware and realistic about my core values and belief system Baseline Portfolio
Check out current educational theories, policies, research and philosophies which will contribute to our needs in our personal/professional environment. Goals: Become more of a critical thinker. Be more decisive about which information I let have an impact on my practice. See the potential of philosophies, policies, theories, and research rather than being overwhelmed by it (as if it’s one more thing I’m not doing) Baseline Portfolio
The use of appropriate technology to create a community, while meeting the needs of the PLO’s, student autonomy, diversity, and the connection for the world outside the classroom. Goals: Create more opportunities for students to maximize their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Create more opportunities for extension, autonomy and diversity Baseline Portfolio
Creating/selecting and evaluation opportunities for ourselves, our students that are diverse and instructional; based on applicable literature/ informed assessment. Goals: Incorporate research based on inquiry, as well as technology into my classes to engage learning. Baseline Portfolio
Contributing to as well as supporting/supported by members of learning communities in their inquiries; helping to design/evaluate while valuing those contributions. Goals: Continue to engage in a variety of learning opportunities. Seek out discussion with colleagues outside of my department to share across the curriculum. Baseline Portfolio
Understanding/mentoring our role as educators to facilitate change in the use of technology, learning activities/ discussions surrounding education. Goals: Continue to lead others; focus on leading colleagues as well as students. Volunteer to mentor colleagues in areas of technology that I acquire. Baseline Portfolio
Implementing our knowledge to enhance our learning and our teaching. Goals: Instead of being over-conscious about the alarming amount of technologies available, dabble in a few at a time. Employ the student’s knowledge to inform me/students instead of taking it all on myself. When I find technologies I like, using them regularly to gain proficiency in them Baseline Portfolio
To embrace/ encourage self directed learning and inquiry. To make/take time for all to reflect. To learn/ incorporate new technology into lessons. *ENGAGEMENT
THANKS FOR ALLOWING ME TO BE WHO I AM! My parents for pushing me to be more than an observer. Melody, Kristy, Jessica, Kelly and Patti for ALWAYS supporting my verbal/linguistic- ness. Chris for understanding silence together. Baseline Portfolio