Using the 5E Instructional Model to Teach Life Science: an Immersive Learner Experience Facilitators: Deborah McLaughlin Andrea Robinson
Welcome! 1. Write your name on a post-it 2. Answer the following: a. What is your role? (Example: 9th grade Biology teacher) b. What do you hope to learn today? **Take your teacher hat off and put your student hat on! Questions can be added on posters on the side of the room.
Rumors Activity 1. Listen 2. Share 3. Exchange
Engage! → On your body outlines, depict what happens when your body gets too hot or too cold.
Explore! Thermoregulation Lab Lab Roles 1.Directions Reader 2.Test Subject 3.Data Recorder 4.Materials Manager After you complete your data set, submit it here!:
Explore! 1.View the data: See Things I see in the data collected. Think Ideas that this data makes me think about. Wonder Questions and wonderings I have about this data.
Explain! Color Plate Activity with Thermoregulation Diagram
Debrief: Take off your student hat and put your teacher hat back on! Write down your thoughts about one or more of these questions: 1. Were any misconceptions about thermoregulation debunked with this set of activities? 2. What did you think about the order of today’s activities? 3. What is one take-away from today that you can see yourself using in your classroom?
5E Instructional Model
Group Learning Routines Used Today: Rumors See-Think-Wonder Think-Talk-Open Exchange
Data from the Homeostasis Performance Task Question: How do body systems interact to maintain a dynamic equilibrium?
Nutrition Unit Performance Task Question: Should crickets be added as a food for school lunches?
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