ITS: Application of Cutting-edge Technology to Enhance Transport Management Riza Atiq bin Orang Kaya Rahmat UKM
Road construction: now and then roads.htm
Navigation System: From cutting edge technology to commodity
Computerised Automatic LRT
UKM Urban Transport Management System
ITIS, Kuala Lumpur
Variable Message System (VMS)
Centralised Traffic Control
Hierarchal Control
Distributed Control (with wireless communication system MP
Single Traffic Control Architecture
Traffic as seen at control room
UKM traffic light and surveillance camera in Bangi
Genetic Algorithm Finding optimum point
Example of a chromosom Chromosom
Crossing Chromosome atau Chromosome X Before crossing Chromosome Y Crossing at the middle Chromosome X Chromosome Y After crossing Chromosome X Before crossing Chromosome Y Crossing at the end Chromosome X Chromosome Y After crossing
Mutation of Chromosome Original Chromosome Mutated Chromosome
Minimsing Objective function from a generation to a generation
Civilised Traffic Control: Pedestrian and Public Transport Priority
Smart Camera
Detected Insident
Surveillance Camera
Conventional Surveillance Camera Architecture
Physical Architecture: UKM Surveillance System
Digital Image 480 pixel 640 x 3 pixel RGB
Observed Pixels for Vehicle Detection Ditection Pixel
Pixel intensity when vehicles passing through Bright colour vehicle White colour vehicle Dark colour vehecle
Pixels Intensity to measure vehicle length (a) Observed Pixels Position (b) Pixel Intensity Estimated length = 4.3 m Estimated length = 12 m
Speed measurement Travel distance = 5.8 m Frame rate = 5 frame / s Speed = 5.8 / (1/5) x (60 x 60) / 100 = 104 km/hr
Plate Number Recognition Enhancing Imege Capturing Imege Imege from camera Character Segmentation Searching and focusing to the plate number Training of Neural Network Character Normalisation Testing Neural Network
Transforming Image to Black & White to Simplify Processing
Neural Network to Read Plate Number Input Layer 80 node Hidden Layer 20 node Output Layer 33 node Targetted Output Bias
Incident and Disaster Ditection
Response System
Impact of Unsustainable Transport Economic Impact Social Impact Environmental Imapct Traffic Congestion Social justice Pencemaran udara Construction Cost Impact to low income group Climate change User Cost Health Health deterioration Noise and air pollution Mobility deterrant Impact to community cohesiveness Lost of habitat Break down and accident Impact to community livelyhood hidraulic Impact Deplited unrenewable resources Impact to aestatic Deplited unrenewable resources
Modelling policy impact on modal shift from private to public transport
Monitoring Air Polution City Centre Ring Road Arterial road Traffic control act as sluice gate, reducing green time for inbound traffic when pollution worsen Sensor pengukur pencemaran udara di pasang di pusat bandar Air polluion sensor at city centre
From silicon Chip to nano material
Conventional Weight Bridge
Weight in motion 5m Nano Sensor (carbon nano tube) to detect pressure, calibrated to measure weight and speed Smart Camera to read plate number Vehicle Database
Nano material Carbon nano tube in bridge construcition Conventional Construction
Nano material in road construction Wearing course Base course Sub-Base course Sub-grade Carbon Nano Tube ( Conventional Road Surface Road surface with carbon nano tube
Nano Solar Cell Nano Plumbum sulphide is very efficient in harvesting solar energy. Nano Plumbum sulphide is very efficient in harvesting solar energy. Street lighting post can be painted with nano plumbum sulphite to become an efficient photovoltaic Street lighting post can be painted with nano plumbum sulphite to become an efficient photovoltaic
What next
Ke mana lagi ??? From Sheba to Palestine in a split second
Where to ???
Worm hole
Terimakasih Thank you