doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 1 ISO-TC204-WG16-liaison-report-september-2005 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at. Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 2 Abstract This document contains the IEEE p – ISO/TC204 WG16 (CALM) liaison report for September 2005.
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 3 ISO/TC204 Overview (1) What is ISO/TC204? –TC204 is the (only) International Standardization Organization responsible for Intelligent Transport Systems –Handles both technical/interfaces as well as applications/functions. –More information on ISO/TC204: wse&sort=name wse&sort=name WG16 – Wide Area Communications –Handles the CALM standards –Handles Vehicle Probe Data –More information at (under construction)
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 4 CALM - Overall C ontinuous A ir interface for L ong and M edium distance Support user transparent continuous communications CALM is the first ISO-level way to combine GPRS with vehicle-optimized WLAN technology.
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 5 CALM Communication Scenarios
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 6 TC204/WG16 Co-operation IEEE p and P1609 – Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Formal Co-operation agreement recorded in PAR / 5 criteria ETSI ERM TG37 – 2G/3G standards, spectrum and test standards,… IETF – Internet Network Mobility (NEMO) ITU-R WP 8A – Global radio standards USA projects: VSCC and VII Japan projects: CALM Proof-Of-Concept,… Europe projects: C2C-CC, CVIS, SafeSpot,…
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 7 IME Interface Manager ISO NME Network Manager ISO CME CALM Manager ISO NETWORK INTERFACE Routing and Media Switching based on IPv6 ISO Non-CALM-aware ISO based APPLICATIONS Convergence Layer Part of ISO ISO CALM-Aware APPLICATIONS TCP/UDP/… INTERNET STANDARDS SAP Non-CALM-aware IP (Internet) APPLICATIONS Convergence Layer IP socket/ ISO SAP CALM MediaExternal Media CALM System Architecture (21217) (Rev. Geneva) Application Management ISO … GPRS EDGE 2G Cell Manager ISO ISO SAP CALM Network21218 = LSAP SAP Applications SAP … cdma2k UMTS 3G Cell Manager ISO ISO SAP … IR-B IR-A ISO IR Manager ISO … WiFi M5 ISO W-LAN Manager SAP ISO RADAR MM-J MM-E ISO Millimeter Manager SAP ISO K-DSRC J-DSRC C-DSRC DSRC ISO15628 ISO SAP ISO … HC-SDMA WiMAX ISO 24xxx W-MAN Manager SAP ISO … DAB GPS ISO 24xxx Broadcast Manager SAP ISO … W-USB BlueT ISO 24xxx PAN Manager SAP ISO Ether AMIC CAN ISO 24xxx Wired Manager SAP ISO SAP CME Registration of Ingress/Egress Interfaces SAP Data SAP Management SAP
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 8 CALM M5 CALM M5 incorporate WAVE and adds: –Global (European) 5 GHz spectrum –Regulatory domain (border) management –Directivity and EMC control –CEN DSRC co-operation / Interference mitigation –Multiple radio/interface/antenna management –GPRS/UMTS network interconnectivity
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 9 CALM M5: C2C-CC & WAVE Geoaddressed applications (e.g. active safety) IPv6 TCP / UDP IP Applications (Deployment) C2C-CC Network Layer PHY (IEEE p) LLC/MAC (IEEE p) B A C WSMP B C2C MACP WAVE Short Message Apps
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 10 North Ameri Europe Japan ISM band CALM M5 WAVE? HiperLANBRAN ”j-band” U-NIIOld Configurable or regionally fixed part Requested : Global ITS Safety allocation Dedicated ITS (DSRC) ISM 5 GHz Spectrum (not exact!) U-NII - New
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 11 Spectrum M5 For global use, the OBUs shall: –Be capable of operating within the range of 5.15 GHz to GHz –Support both 10 and 20 MHz channels –Support accurate transmit power control RSUs will operate on the regionally allocated frequencies.
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 12 Global M5 spectrum config. The mobile unit (OBU) shall be configurable when moving between regulatory areas (11d based?) The OBU shall not start operation until an authorised source (e.g. fixed, licensed RSU) has provided profile information. Profiles may be autonomously initiated if the OBU can ascertain its position.
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 13 M5 Access Methods National regulatory bodies can place limitations on channel utilisation and maximum channel usage on a per channel basis, and the unit shall be configurable / programmable to operate within these limitations.
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 14 M5 Directivity CALM M5 include omni-directional as well as directive patterns. The standard allow control of multi-sector directed antenna elements. The standard allow simultaneous operation on multiple channels in the same or different directions.
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 15 Meeting Schedule TC 204 –31.Oct-4.Nov in Portland, US –24-28 April 2006 in Korea. WG16 - CALM –5-9. December in Korea –20-23 February in Sophia Antipolis, France –2-6 October in South Africa
doc.: IEEE /0959r0 Submission September 2005 Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASASlide 16 Conclusion WG16 / CALM has provided comments to D0.21 –Harmonisation of terms like DSRC and OBU to avoid confusion –Moving national specific items to annex to make standard useful in ISO domain –Include as far as possible the requirements mentioned in slide WG16 / CALM will confirm ISO requirements via new and more specific comments to new drafts WG16 / CALM invites interested parties to participate in the ISO ITS process