By: Radha Dubey Becoming A Marketer, lawyer and politician.
Politician Description of job/ Main duties Secretarial duties, such as managing the politician's diary, making travel arrangements and taking minutes at meetings. Responding to enquirers from constituents (known as progressing casework), other politicians, the media, lobbyists and pressure groups. Undertaking all administrative duties, filing, ordering stationery, responding to correspondence and updating databases. Helping write speeches by researching information and making suggestions on content. Attending public and private functions to assist the politician and sometimes standing in when the politician is unable to attend. Helping draft amendments for reports and preparing briefing material. Carrying out research into local, regional, national and international issues as required, and ensuring the politician is made aware of any relevant matters. Providing the politician with the support needed to get an issue on the political agenda, e.g. research or liaising with key individuals or groups.
Politicians Education and Training Requirements politicians needs to be successful in ability to see problems. The ability to convince other politicians to help him solve them. education you need to take science, but mostly political scientists work as staffers to elected politicians--they don't usually run for office themselves. degrees in law, economics, or business. learning about the parties Volunteer to help out with events and campaigns.
Politician Statistics from graphs/ interesting information about the job The word "politics" describes the process so well: "Poli" in Latin meaning "many" and "tics" meaning "bloodsucking creatures.“ No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections.
Description of job/ Main duties Measuring success. Developing the marketing strategy and plan. Understanding current and potential customers. Managing agencies. Developing guidelines. Managing the customer journey. Making customer focused decisions. Researching and reporting on external opportunities. Marketing
Education and Training Requirements Marketing director you have to finish MBA. 4 to 5 year experience in marketing understanding and knowledge in the market. Understand the needs of the customers like what products are needed by the customers. How to acquire this products and distribute to the market at low coast to you and set prices while the aspect of Texas production price sales price.
Marketing Statistics from graphs/ interesting information about the job. Physical Markets. Stock Market. Black Market. Knowledge Market.
Criminal Lawyer Description of job/ Main duties Specialize in people who have been charged with crimes, while public defenders are appointed to represent clients who cannot afford to hire an attorney. A criminal defense attorney acts like brain, ears and mouth of the accused or the client in carrying out the legal proceedings in the court of justice. Lawyer must keep your personal property separate from his or her own property, and must keep your money in an escrow account. He speaks on behalf of the accused, and represents the person who is charged for doing a crime. A criminal defense lawyer also needs to guide the accused during his probation or parole periods. In the court of law, he is supposed to clearly summarize the complete case to the jury. investigates and researches on all the negative and positive possibilities in the case of the accuser. speaks on behalf of the accused, and represents the person who is charged for doing a crime. A criminal defense lawyer also needs to guide the accused during his probation or parole periods.
Criminal Lawyer Education and Training Requirement Seven years of education is required. Four years are spent at the undergraduate level The specific major of the bachelor's degree an aspiring criminal defense lawyer earns isn't typically important. After graduating, an aspiring criminal defense lawyer applies to law school by completing the Law School Admission Test. Three years of education are completed in a criminal defense law education specialization that results in the J.D. degree.
Criminal Lawyer Statistics from graphs/ interesting information about the job. There are basically two types of criminal lawyers; salaried and private practice. he salaried lawyers follow a fixed work schedule while the private lawyer works irregular hours to complete research, conferences with clients and to prepare important briefs during off working hours. Criminal lawyers are generally hard workers who work long hours. In fact, those lawyers who work full time most of the time end up working about fifty or more hours in a week.