SPRING 2006 TOWN MEETING Bernard Lynch Town Manager May 1, 2006 Continued from Monday, April 24, 2006 & Thursday, April 27, 2006
Drainage Easement – Mill Road I move that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire by gift a drainage easement presently located on properties on Mill Road, identified as Lot 6 on Assessor’s Map 113, Block 387 in accordance with plan on file in Town Engineer’s office. Board of Selectmen
Drainage Easement – Mill Road
Driveway & Utility Easement – Maple Rd I move that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to convey a driveway and utility easement from Lot 2 to Lot 1, also known as 19 Maple Road, as shown on a plan entitled “Plan of Land in Chelmsford, MA, Prepared for the Town of Chelmsford, 50 Billerica Road, Chelmsford, Massachusetts” dated October 8, 2002…
Driveway & Utility Easement – Maple Rd …and recorded at the North Middlesex District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 209, Plan 136, prepared by PM Flaherty Associates, Inc., which plan is on file in the Community Development Department and the Office of the Town Clerk. Town Manager Town Manager Board of Selectmen
Driveway & Utility Easement – Maple Rd
Utility Easement – Richardson Road I move that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to convey an easement to National Grid on a parcel of land owned by the Town and situated on the easterly side of Richardson Road and identified as Parcel 2 on a Plan of Land as recorded at the…
Utility Easement – Richardson Road …North Middlesex District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 107, Plan 52, said easement to be for the purpose of installing and maintaining a transformer necessary to provide electrical service to said parcel, or act in relation thereto. Town Manager Board of Selectmen
Utility Easement – Richardson Road
Sewer Easements I move that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen and/or the Sewer Commissioners to acquire any and all temporary and/or permanent easements, and any property in fee simple with the buildings and trees thereon by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, for the property located in the Town of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and… Continued…
Sewer Easements …further described and shown on a set of plans entitled “Plan of Sewer Easements in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Robin Hill Road/Burning Tree Lane Area – Phase 4G Sewers” dated February 2006, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Engineer and is incorporated herein… Continued…
Sewer Easements …by reference, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining sewers, pumping stations, and all other appurtenances thereto, and further move that the two parcels of land designated on such plans as Parcel A and Parcel B, currently held for general municipal purposes… Continued…
Sewer Easements …be transferred to the care, custody and control of the Sewer Commission and the Department of Public Works for the purpose of constructing and maintaining sewers, pumping stations, and all other appurtenances thereto, and for all related purposes. Sewer Commission Sewer Commission
Sewer Easements
I move that the Town hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the Fiscal Year 2007 Community Preservation budget and to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund: Continued… Community Preservation Committee
$20,000 (4.46% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) to meet the administrative expenses and all other necessary and proper expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for Fiscal Year 2007; $20,000 (4.46% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) to meet the administrative expenses and all other necessary and proper expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for Fiscal Year 2007; Community Preservation Committee Continued… And to appropriate from Community Preservation Fund Historic Preservation Reserve Fund the following:
$20,000 for an evaluation and feasibility study for the renovation and rehabilitation of Varney Park and the Varney Park Field House; $20,000 for an evaluation and feasibility study for the renovation and rehabilitation of Varney Park and the Varney Park Field House; Community Preservation Committee Continued…
Varney Park Field House Continued…
And further, that the Town reserve for future appropriation the following amounts as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee: Continued… Community Preservation Committee
$46,000 (10.27% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space excluding land for recreational use; $46,000 (10.27% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space excluding land for recreational use; $26,000 (10.27% of the estimated FY2007 revenues - combined with $20,000 appropriation for Varney Park) for acquisition and preservation of historic resources; and, $26,000 (10.27% of the estimated FY2007 revenues - combined with $20,000 appropriation for Varney Park) for acquisition and preservation of historic resources; and, Continued… Community Preservation Committee
$46,000 (10.27% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) for the creation, preservation and support of community housing; $280,000 (62.53% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) for the Community Preservation Fund FY2007 Budgeted Reserve. $280,000 (62.53% of the estimated FY2007 revenues) for the Community Preservation Fund FY2007 Budgeted Reserve. Continued… Community Preservation Committee
…All other monies in the Community Preservation Fund shall remain undesignated until further recommendations by the Community Preservation Committee and action thereon by the Town Meeting. …All other monies in the Community Preservation Fund shall remain undesignated until further recommendations by the Community Preservation Committee and action thereon by the Town Meeting. Community Preservation Committee Community Preservation Committee Community Preservation Committee
Street Acceptance – Lady Slipper Lane WITHDRAWN Continued…
Municipal Aid Agreements I move that the Town, in accordance with G.L. c. 40, section 4A, authorize the Town Manager to enter into an inter-municipal agreement with one or more other governmental units to provide public health services which…
Municipal Aid Agreements …the Board of Health is authorized to perform, in accordance with an Inter- Municipal Mutual Aid Agreement to be entered into between the Town and various governmental units. Town Manager Board of Selectmen Board of Health
WITHDRAWN Continued… Red Light & Speed Enforcement
Financial Forecasts – Citizen Petition I move that the Town amend the General Bylaws Chapter 35, by adding the following as section 35-5, entitled Department Financial Forecasts: “In order to ensure the financial stability of the town and to assist the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager in the preparation of a five year financial forecast…
Financial Forecasts – Citizen Petition …as required by section 6-4 of the Charter, each department shall prepare a five year plan of economic resources it will need to operate. This plan shall be updated and modified on an annual basis for submission to Town Meeting, the Finance Committee, and the Board of Selectmen.” Petition
Insurance – Chapter 32B, Section 18 WITHDRAWN Town Manager
North Road – Abandonment of Order I move that the Town transfer the care, custody and control of the easements held by the Town and described below to the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of releasing and abandoning the temporary and permanent roadway easements and permanent drainage easement and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen, Continued…
…for no monetary consideration, to release and abandon the easements taken by eminent domain from the record owners listed in the Order of Taking recorded with the Middlesex North Registry of Deeds in Book 18988, Page 40 on July 12, 2005 to the current record owners, said easements. Continued… North Road – Abandonment of Order
… The easements labeled “E-1” through “E-6”; “TE-1” through “TE-22” and “D-1” taken by the Town of Chelmsford pursuant to said order of taking described and bounded as shown on a plan entitled “Permanent and Temporary Easement Plan of North Road/ Parkhurst Road/Davis Road and North Road at… Continued… North Road – Abandonment of Order
… Dalton Road in the Town of Chelmsford, Middlesex County”, dated January 28, 2005, prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., Watertown, MA, scale 20’ = 1”, recorded with the Middlesex North District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 218, Plan 107, Continued… North Road – Abandonment of Order
…there being no intent to release or abandon those temporary and permanent roadway easements and permanent drainage easement taken by eminent domain pursuant to the Order of Taking recorded with the Middlesex North Registry of Deeds in Book 19245, North Road – Abandonment of Order Continued…
…Page 105 on September 8, 2005, said easements being described and bounded as shown on a plan recorded with the Middlesex North District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 219, Plan 34 (sheets 1-6). Town Manager North Road – Abandonment of Order
Arts & Technology Education Fund (ATEF) Committee Structure I move that the Town amend the General Bylaws, Chapter 51, by deleting Article 1, Section 51-4, Paragraph B: “Members of the Chelmsford ATEF Committee will include the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee thereof, six residents of the Town of Chelmsford that will include at least three parents who presently have children in the Chelmsford public schools, a member of the business community, a senior citizen and a member at large” Continued…
… and replacing it with a new Article 1, Section 51-4, Paragraph B, to read: “Members of the Chelmsford ATEF Committee will include the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee thereof, and eight (8) residents of the Town of Chelmsford that will include at least three (3) parents/grandparents/guardians of children presently enrolled in Chelmsford public schools.” Arts and Technology Education Fund Committee Arts and Technology Education Fund Committee ATEF Committee Structure
Gift of Land – Off Robin Hill Rd I move that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to accept as a gift from Robin Hill Meadows, LLC, a parcel of land off Robin Hill Road, shown as Lot 3, consisting of 42,455 square feet, as shown on a plan entitled “Plan of Land in Chelmsford, MA” dated 12/8/05,
Gift of Land – Off Robin Hill Rd …prepared by Hancock Associates for Robin Hill Meadows, LLC, said Lot 3 to be held for general municipal purposes and intended to be used to access the proposed Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. The plan is on file in the Community Development Department and the Office of the Town Clerk. Town Manager Town Manager
Gift of Land – Off Robin Hill Rd
Spring 2006 TOWN MEETING Opened: April 24, 2006 Continued: April 27, 2006 Continued: May 1, 2006 Next: May 4, 2006 (if needed)