ORO VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Keeping Oro Valley History Alive MISSION AND SUPPORT The mission of the Oro Valley Historical Society is to promote research, preservation, education, and dissemination of history related to the Greater Oro Valley area. The Oro Valley Historical Society is an incorporated nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that will support the Town of Oro Valley Historic Preservation Commission.
Oro Valley Historical Society 2014 Accomplishments Established partnership with Archaeology Southwest Collections ● Moved collection to SPR Tack Building ● Applied policy guidelines for potential acquisition ● Adopted a effective cataloging policy Received grant for SPR Heritage Garden Interpretive Signs Implemented an annual volunteer recognition event Launched Society's corporate membership drive 2014 Implemented two successful event fundraisers Launched OVHS, Website Virtual Photo Museum, which receives over 18,000 views per month SPR Second Saturday participation Pusch House Tours/Guest Speakers Expand programs at SPR Heritage Garden
Oro Valley Historical Society 2015 Goals Brand Policy and implementation ● Partner with private groups and organizations ● Expand sponsorship policy ● Co-sponsor events with other organizations, HPC and TOV ● Procure grant opportunities for Steam Pump Ranch preservation, other needs ● Expand internet marketing Increase volunteer and staffing opportunities Improve accessibility of collections for research purposes Expand educational programs ● Heritage Garden ● Steam Pump Ranch ● Create an Oro Valley Historic Tour ● Collect oral histories from various sources surrounding Oro Valley Area
Oro Valley Historical Society Partnership with the Town of Oro Valley A optimistic working relationship ● Use of SPR Tack Building for storage, and conservation of OVHS collections ● Implementation of Heritage Garden Archeology exhibits/demonstrations ● TOV 40th silent auction success Encourage the preservation and restoration of the town’s historical assets, such as Steam Pump Ranch, early artifacts and other related objects associated with the town’s origin and history.