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Presentation transcript:

Page 2 Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by Inca Minerals Limited (ICG). The information contained in this presentation is a professional opinion only and is given in good faith. Certain information in this document has been derived from third parties and though ICG has no reason to believe that it is not accurate, reliable or complete, it has not been independently audited or verified by ICG. Any forward-looking statements included in this document involve subjective judgment and analysis and are subject to uncertainties, risks and contingencies, many of which are outside the control of, and may be unknown to, ICG. In particular, they speak only as of the date of this document, they assume the success of ICG’s strategies, and they are subject to significant regulatory, business, competitive and economic uncertainties and risks. Actual future events may vary materially from the forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based. Recipients of this document (Recipients) are cautioned to not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. ICG makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information in this document and does not take responsibility for updating any information or correcting any error or omission which may become apparent after this document has been issued. To the extent permitted by law, ICG and its officers, employees, related bodies corporate and agents (Agents) disclaim all liability, direct, indirect or consequential (and whether or not arising out of the negligence, default or lack of care of ICG and/or any of its Agents) for any loss or damage suffered by a Recipient or other persons arising out of, or in connection with, any use or reliance on this presentation or information. This presentation is not an offer, invitation, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of any security, and neither this presentation nor anything in it shall form the basis for any contract or commitment whatsoever. All amounts in Australian dollars unless stated otherwise. Competent Person’s Statement The assessment of information provided by third parties, subsequently presented in this presentation relating to Project Potential, past Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and/or Ore Reserves are the views of Mr R Brown, who is a Director the Company and a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr R Brown is a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr R Brown consents to the inclusion in the presentation of his views of information provided by third parties, in the form and context in which it appears.

3 Recap on Page “Recognised porphyry potential” Recognised porphyry potential of Chanape (previously considered poly-metallic vein project) 2012 “Confirmed porphyry model” Acquired geo-physics data covering Chanape Re-logged previous drilling confirming occurrence of porphyry system at Chanape Assayed previous core confirming widespread gold mineralisation in breccia pipes at Chanape 2013 “Discovered mineralised porphyry” Drilled maiden hole (CH-DDH001) into mineralised porphyry World expert opinion confirms prospectivity of Chanape Completed surface exploration generating epithermal and porphyry drill targets DRILLING HAS COMMENCED

External Validation Consultation with world experts leads to project validation and heightened development strategy Confirmation of porphyry potential: A Toromocho look-alike (A Chinalco development 30km to NE) Confirmation of epithermal gold potential: Widespread gold in rock chip sampling and in drill holes Confirmation of size potential: SP anomaly (2.5km x 1km) defines potential extent of porphyry mineralisation Recommendation: Commit to detailed surface exploration program to de-risk future drilling PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 COMPLETED Page 4 Jeffrey Hedenquist visits Chanape

5 Chanape - Dual Targets Epithermal Au-Ag Mineralisation associated with breccia-bodies and other altered rocks “Yanacocha-style” Porphyry Cu-Mo-Ag+/-Au Mineralisation associated with porphyry intrusives, skarns and breccias “Toromocho-style” Two forms of related mineralisation provide dual resource potential Page 5 (not strictly to scale) Chanape schematic geological NS cross-section

6 2013/14 - Chanape Time Line Page 6 * Drilling can commence under existing drilling permit

Q2 Surface Exploration Low cost surface exploration to de-risk drilling Phase 1: Alteration mapping, geochemical sampling and ground magnetics Identification of near-surface gold, silver, copper mineralisation Phase 1 drill target generation COMPLETED Phase 2: Alteration mapping, geochemical sampling and IP Identification and classification of breccias Phase 2 drill target generation Flow on from Phase 1 COMPLETED Page 7 Phase 3 Area (remainder of project area) Mapping and sampling scheduled for Q – Q Phase 1 Area Phase 2 Area

8 Page 8 Q2 Phase 1 Surface Exploration Phase 1 Results: Six broad geochemical anomalies define broad epithermal target zones at Chanape Significant rockchip results include: Sample 298: 18.95g/t Au, 15g/t Ag Sample 341: 14.05g/t Au, 152g/t Ag Sample 268: 7.05g/t Au, 8.76g/t Ag Sample 208: 6.81g/t Au, 14.65g/t Ag Sample 320: 2.24g/t Au, 50.3g/t Ag Sample 157: 1.39g/t Au, 13.45g/t Ag Sample 325: 1.2g/t Au, 13.45g/t Ag 17 breccia pipes and 21 breccia structures discovered in P1 phase 14.05g/t Au, 152g/t Ag 18.95g/t Au, 15g/t Ag 7.05g/t Au, 8.76g/t Ag Drill result: CH-DDH g/t Au, 41.0g/t Ag Drill result: CH-DDH g/t Au, 41.0g/t Ag 6.81g/t Au, 14.65g/t Ag 1.39g/t Au, 13.45g/t Ag 2.24g/t Au, 50.3g/t Ag 1.2g/t Au, 13.45g/t Ag Drill result: CH g/t Au, 5.34g/t Ag Drill result: CH g/t Au, 5.34g/t Ag

9 Page 9 Q2 Phase 2 Surface Exploration Phase 2 Results: Additional six broad geochemical anomalies define broad porphyry target zones at Chanape Significant rockchip results include: Sample 733: g/t Au, 682g/t Ag, 0.52% Cu Sample 753: 19.45g/t Au, 788g/t Ag, 0.86% Cu Sample 521: 19.35g/t Au, 158g/t Ag, 4.65% Pb Sample 341: 14.05g/t Au, 152g/t Ag, 0.55% Cu Sample 743: 13.75g/t Au, 276g/t Ag, 0.22% Cu Sample 457: 5.46g/t Au, 649g/t Ag, 1.14% Pb Sample 735: 4.62g/t Au, 31.40g/t Ag 28 breccia pipes and 7 breccia structures discovered in P2 phase PROJECT TOTAL OF 73 TO DATE – UP FROM 50 KNOWN Large near-surface geophysics anomaly coincides with mineralised breccia and mineralised porphyry

Q3/Q4 Drilling Program Page 10 Drilling Phase 1 Shallow angled holes into Au-Ag targets Develop epithermal Au-Ag “near-surface” resource Drilling Phase 2 Deep angled holes through epithermal “tops” into porphyry [geophysics] targets at depth Begin defining extent of underlying Cu-Mo-Ag-[Au] Hypothetical Phase 2 Drilling Hypothetical Phase 1 Drilling

11 Phase 1 Drilling Targets Page 11 Multiple epithermal targets generated Example of epithermal drill target Quality targets generated Targets based on coincident geology, geophysics and geochemistry 13 priority holes planned ALREADY COMMENCED Coincident: gold, copper, magnetic low

12 Page 12 Multiple porphyry targets generated Phase 2 Drilling Targets Quality targets close to the surface and open at depth Targets based on coincident geophysics (chargeability, resistivity and magnetics) Coincident geochemistry (characteristic molybdenum halo) 4 priority holes designed to test epithermal/porphyry

13 Page 13 Example of porphyry drill targeting Phase 2 Drilling Targets Large chargeability anomaly, close to the surface with surface gold and molybdenum Anomaly more than 1.5km across

14 Inca – Why Invest Inca – Value through discovery Dual potential at Chanape – near-surface epithermal gold and silver AND porphyry copper, molybdenum, silver and gold beneath De-risked drilling with world class upside potential Attractive portfolio of assets in Peru and Australia Management/world expert opinion proving exploration model Generating interest from global producers Page 14