FUSE TEMPUS Project Coordination Meeting Belgrade University, 27 and 28 November, 2014 WP 5 - Dissemination of Project- Related Information ACTION PLAN FOR THE NEXT 6 – 9 MONTHS WP leader – UNI
WP5 / A 5.1 Creating, maintaining and regular updating of the project web-site (PERIOD: month )
continuation of maintainance and regular updating of the project website continuation of maintenance and updating of the PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLATFORM integrated into the website continuation of the use of GOOGLE ANALYTICS for monitoring the relevant statistical parametres related to the use of the website and writing quarterly reports on the basis of the data obtained that way
WP5 / A 5.2 Preparing annual joint reports on project achievements (months 13 – 36) (sheduled to start next month)
- making joint reports (due to be completed soon) in WP1 and WP2 available in electronic form (on the website, CDs, flash memories), possibly also in printed form - doing the same for all the other achievements in all the WPs that have been active during the past year or that will start soon - Partner Self–Assessment Reports and Work Package Self- Assessment Reports for the period up to 30 September, already written and made available on the MNGT platform (in the WP6 - QPLN section) – the same to be continued
WP5 / A 5.3 Designing and distributing project promotional materials (PERIOD: months 3 – 33)
Continuation of designing and distributing project promotional materials (brochures - not only any more on the project structure and goals but also on the results achieved) + flash memories with project- related materials (esp. project results), folders, posters, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: PROJECT PROMO MATERIALS (WP5 – DISSEMINATION) ≠ SERBIAN HEIs PROMO MATERIALS (e.g. DEV WP2: Fostering various support services - academic mobility support, IT support, marketing and information activities), i.e. guides, booklets for foreign students at each participating university / college, increased appropriate institutional advertising activities, etc.
WP5 / A 5.4 Giving information about the project at various dissemination gatherings (PERIOD: month 9 – 36) (actually started in month 2)
Continuation of actively presenting the project at various gatherings, on TV, in magazines and on the websites of the institutions in and outside the project
POSSIBLE WAYS ALL THE PARTNERS CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THIS: -Disseminating project-related info (project structure and aims + RESULTS) at the institutional level: -Putting active FUSE logos on all the partner websites -Using your institution websites (e.g. UMA), magazines (e.g. UNIBA) etc. to inform all the interested that your institution: -IS actively involved in the project, -HOW exactly it is making its contribution to the project (organizing training visits, organizing coordination meetings, participating in various specific project activities, etc.), -WHAT THE RESULTS OF THAT PARTICIPATION ARE -WHAT THE GENERAL RESULTS OF THE PROJECT ACHIEVED SO FAR ARE
-making sure you acquaint as many people as possible from your respective institutions (the Rectors, the Deans, the Heads of Departments, the Chancellors, the Vice-Chancellors, the members of the Senates, Advisory Boards, the students, etc.) about your institution’s participation in the project
-Doing the same at the extra-institutional level -TV stations, -local newspapers (e.g. UMA), -international gatherings related to the field covered by the project (e.g. UNI at the EUROWEB Meeting in Amsterdam) -etc. All this will also increase your institution credibility when it comes to internationalization
-PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO AT LEAST 3 OF THOSE (OR SIMILAR THINGS) BY THE END OF MARCH 2015, AND THAT YOU SEND A REPORT ON THAT TO US (THE NIŠ FUSE TEAM) BY 15 APRIL, An active FUSE logo on your webiste -info on the training visit to / coordination meeting held at your institution on your institution website; -info about this particular meeting (the Coordination Meeting at BU) and similar meetings and activities – posted in the relevant part of your websites -a report on the project results presented to your instititution’s top managment -an interview to your local TV station / newspaper / student magazine (within e.g. disseminating info about your institution’s internationalisation activities), -informing students (esp. valid for SCONUS - SCSU) about the project aims and results, and the anticipated contribution of the students themselves to the successful realization of the project (etc. establishing foreign student hosting networks, making databases of student hosts, etc.) – e.g. through student parliaments, Student Council for International Cooperation, etc., and similar relevant activities from the scope of the project