* Dangers of tobacco use: A teen who decides to start using tobacco can affect their health now and in the future. * 26% of teens have reported current tobacco use cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco. * Over 6.4 million children who are alive today will die of a smoking-related disease
* Tobacco products contain nicotine which is the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves. * Nicotine is a stimulant (a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs)
* Tobacco is an addictive and toxic drug! * It’s a carcinogen – a cancer-causing substance * Has the same poisonous compounds found in rat poison, toilet cleaner, and paint * It contains tar – a thick, sticky, dark, fluid produced when tobacco burns * Damages smoker’s respiratory system by paralyzing and destroying cilia in airways * Carbon monoxide – a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas is found in cigarette smoke * Deprives body’s tissues and cells of oxygen * *
* What smoking does to your body: * * s39UH4QY&feature=youtu.be&annotation_id=annota tion_ &feature=iv&src_vid=A75YtjvdYNw s39UH4QY&feature=youtu.be&annotation_id=annota tion_ &feature=iv&src_vid=A75YtjvdYNw * * GKP4&feature=related GKP4&feature=related *
* No tobacco product is safe to use! * Can cause cancers of the lips, mouth, throat, larynx, lungs, and esophagus. * Smokeless Tobacco: tobacco sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed * The harmful chemicals of smokeless tobacco are absorbed into the body at levels up to 3x the amount of a single cigarette
* Using smokeless tobacco can cause leukoplakia – thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer.
Short-Term Effects * Brain chemistry changes * Respiration and heart rate increase * Taste buds are dulled and appetite is reduced * Users have bad breath, yellowed teeth, and smelly hair, skin, and clothes Long-Term Effects * Chronic bronchitis * Emphysema * Lung cancer * Coronary heart disease and stroke * A weakened immune system
* Costs to society – tobacco related illnesses * Cost to individuals – person smoking 1 pack of cigarettes a day = $3,561 per year * Legal consequences – illegal to sell to individuals under age 18, tobacco products on school property may lead to suspension or expulsion * * * *
* Some teens use tobacco because they believe it will: * Help with weight control * Help cope with stress * Make them seem mature and independent
* The CDC reports that 88% of high school students do not smoke (up from 65% a few years ago) * Factors contributing to trend: * Tobacco legislation – CDC funded ads discouraging smoking * No-smoking policies – public places & businesses * Family values – teens less likely to use of parents don’t * Positive peer pressure – healthy role models * Health risks – can lead to various diseases, cancer, and respiratory problems
* Better cardiovascular endurance & lung function * Can improve fitness level & athletic performance * Reduce risk of lung cancer, heart disease, & stroke * Sense of freedom that you are not dependent on addictive substance * More confidence in social situations because you look & feel better * *
* Surround yourself with positive influences * Reduce peer pressure * Be prepared with refusal skills
* Ending addiction can be difficult but not impossible * Nicotine withdrawal – the process that occurs in the body when nicotine, an addictive drug, is no longer used * Symptoms: irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbances, & cravings for tobacco * Use of Nicotine substitutes can help – products that deliver small amounts of nicotine into the user’s system while he or she is trying to give up the tobacco habit
* Prepare for “Quit Day” * Get support and encouragement from family & friends * Access professional health services – enroll in a tobacco cessation program, a course that provides information & help to people who want to stop using tobacco * Replace tobacco use with healthy behaviors
* Tobacco smoke can harm non-smokers * Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS): (also known as secondhand smoke) air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke * Composed of: * 1. Mainstream smoke – smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker * 2. Sidestream smoke – smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar * MOST DANGEROUS
* Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious harm to developing fetus * Nicotine passes through placenta, constricting the blood vessels of fetus * Increases the risk of: * Impaired fetal growth * Spontaneous miscarriage & prenatal death * Premature delivery * Low birth weight, deformities, & stillbirths * Infants at greater risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
* Children of smokers are more likely to be in poor health than children of nonsmokers and prone to: * A higher incidence of sore throats, ear infections, upper respiratory problems * Weaker lungs * Be twice as likely to smoke themselves
* Minimize health effects of ETS by: * Encourage person or family member to quit by telling of health effects * Try to establish smoke-free areas in house or smoke outside * Open windows for fresh air * Suggest meeting in public place where smoking is prohibited
* Emphysema * * * Message on CDC graphic ads * * Terrie’s story * *