Interest in Expansion America was concerned they were falling behind the Europeans in Expansion
Interest in Expansion Social Darwinism –Rule of Survival of the fittest –Of Nations as well as animals
Interest in Expansion Alfred Thayer Mahan
Interest in Expansion Believed that a strong Navy was essential for a Nation to be powerful The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
Interest in Expansion Refueling stations needed = Colonies for America
Interest in Expansion New Markets More goods were being produced than could be consumed Thus new markets were needed
Interest in Expansion Arguments against expansion 1.Plenty of places to sell goods at home 2.Anti-colonial feelings U. S.
Interest in Expansion Arguments for expansion Need for economic and political contacts in the world America did not want to fall behind Europe
Interest in Expansion Samoa
Interest in Expansion Located in South Pacific On the way to Australia Became a protectorate used as a refueling station for American Ships
Interest in Expansion First time the United States agreed to help rule and protect another nation
Interest in Expansion Hawaii
Interest in Expansion American trading ships for food and supplies 2,000 miles southwest of San Francisco
Interest in Expansion Missionaries were the first Americans Bought a lot of land Became sugar plantations
Interest in Expansion 1887 treaty gave United States Pearl Harbor as a Navy base
Interest in Expansion
In return Hawaii paid no duties or taxes on Sugar
Interest in Expansion Queen Liliuokalani pronounced (Lee-Lee-oo- oh-kah-lah-nee) She wanted less American influence in Hawaii
Interest in Expansion American sugar planters wanted to keep control Overthrew Queen Lil Now the planters were back in control and them U S then would annex Hawaii