1 User Application-to-User Plane Vertical Interface (draft-ash-nsis-vertical-interface-00.txt) Jerry Ash Chuck Dvorak Percy Tarapore Al Morton Martin Dolly
2 Summary (draft-ash-nsis-vertical-interface-00.txt) qproposes requirements for communicating QoS parameters between user application layer & user plane layer vcurrently no vertical interface protocol (VIP) to do this vsignaling protocol assumptions –SIP at user application layer –QoS-NSLP at user plane layer qillustrative example of high-priority, emergency telecommunications service (ETS) VoIP call flow qprotocol extensions to meet VIP requirements TBD vadaptation of QoS-NSLP could be appropriate basis for VIP –RESERVE & RESPONSE messages satisfy requirements for VIP-request & VIP-response messages –QSPEC parameters already defined to convey necessary QoS parameter information vfuture versions of document will specify more details qnext steps vgage interest within NSIS
3 Example Call Flow (draft-ash-nsis-vertical-interface-00.txt)
4 qETS user dials NCS-GETS to establish ETS VoIP call qcall routed by local exchange carrier (LEC) access network to service provider's GW1 qGW1 recognizes ETS call based on dialed number or SS7 initial address message indicator qGW1 formulates SIP INVITE message marked with appropriate packet markings vSIP with pre-conditions used to negotiate codec bandwidth vRPH populated with ETS namespace, with priority set to "0" for highest priority (i.e., ets.0) qGW1 infers additional QoS parameter based on info available at access network interface (trunk group characteristics, dialed number, SS7 initial address message, etc.) vY.1541 QoS class set to class 0 with stringent delay requirements vDiffServ PHB set to high-priority expedited forwarding (EF1) vReservation Priority set to high vRestoration Priority set to high
5 Example Call Flow (draft-ash-nsis-vertical-interface-00.txt) qGW1 communicates QoS parameter info via VIP to NSIS QoS- NSLP user-plane function qNSIS QoS-NSLP user-plane function sets upETS call flow withY.1541-QOSM & required attributes in the QSPEC v = negotiated bandwidth – = class 0 – = class type 0 – = high
6 Next Steps qgage interest within NSIS WG qif interest progress draft in NSIS WG vdefine adaptation of QoS-NSLP to support VIP-request & VIP-response messages