Population of Counties in North Carolina By Lynn Marcin
Graph of Population
Graph of Square Miles and Persons per Square Mile
County Selected We selected New Hanover county. It is about 200 square miles and has 805 persons per square mile. It is near the beach.
Reasons It is near the beach where people take vacations. There are about 200 squares miles and 805 persons per square miles, so there are a lot of people who live there year round. Our ads would reach many people because the county is so populated.
Resources 00.htmlhttp://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/ html ounty,_North_Carolinahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_C ounty,_North_Carolina h_carolina_map.htmlhttp://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/maps/nort h_carolina_map.html