An altered atmospheric circulation regime during Last Glacial Maximum Camille Li, Aaron Donohoe David Battisti University of Washington
poleward heat flux 850mb (Km/s) Coupled model winter jet and storminess
poleward heat flux 850mb (Km/s) Coupled model winter jet and storminess Compared to today’s climate, the ice age climate simulated by the coupled model exhibits a stronger, steadier Atlantic jet reduced storminess
poleward heat flux 850mb (Km/s) Coupled model winter jet and storminess
Coupled model winter jet and storminess poleward heat flux 850mb (Km/s) Laurentide elevation (km) ICE-5G ICE-4G
CAM Model Run with ICE 5G Vertically Integrated JFM Eddy Heat Transport Contours are the jet speed at 400 hPa K m/s LGM Modern LGM- Modern
Possible Causes of Reduced LGM Atlantic Storminess I.) Narrow LGM jet inhibits storm growth Jet Speed Cross Sections LGM jet is narrow NOT Strong enough effect II.) High LGM Static stability inhibits storm growth Strong LGM Baroclinicity still predicts stronger storm Growth III.) LGM Storms are not seeded efficiently Magnitude Geopotential Height Perturbation (meters) Days Since Storm Entered Atlantic Domain LGM Modern