IPCorder a different NVR Basics
1.1 What is IPCorder Small recording and controlling device for IP camera systems Affordable, at cost of IP camera (4, 8 channels) Unnecessary to install any software, everything runs automaticly A computer is needed for viewing the live video (Windows, Linux, MAC) IPCorder is connected to LAN using 1Gbps interface (except KNR-090) IPCorder models differ basically in number of HDDs and maximum number of channels Current models have 1 and 4+2 HDD bays available; we will offer 2 bay model soon Currently 8, 24 and 48 channels available, 4 and 12 will follow in 2009 KNR-090 KNR-100 KNR-200 KNR KNR-4 12
1.2 How is IPCorder connected IPCorder is connected to a router or switch together with cameras A switch with PoE capability can also power cameras (UPS backup) Easy remote access from Internet using compatible router with UPnP capability Live View on cameras Recordings from IPCorder Web interface of IPCorder Home automation
2.1 IPCorder is client independent IPCorder supports Windows, Linux and MAC OS X clients NVR supports Microsoft Windows browser only Windows Linux MAC OS Windows Linux MAC OS
2.2 IPCorder has true megapixel recording IPCorder records HiRes stream IPCorder can record during motion detection (MD/DI) only IPCorder can record all the available IP camera streams on demand User can select recording of high resolution stream during motion detection or schedule. If there is no motion detection, user can record D1 stream only The user gets all the possibilities NVR records HiRes stream NVR can record during motion detection (MD/DI) only In case when MD does not trigger properly, the HD video is not stored at all Recording 24 hours/day costs a lot of storage capacity, MD triggered recording is not always enough User of NVR waste capacity or important video HD stream D1 stream
2.3 IPCorder and live view Live view directly from camera Unlimited amount of local clients (multicast) More channels -> affordable solution Live views to the clients are streamed through NVR Simplified client design, limit on the number of clients, less channels per NVR Client #1 Client #2 Client #3 Client #1 Client #2 Client #3
2.4 IPCorder and live view in Megapixel IPCorder client dynamically chooses apropriate stream to display No load on IPCorder at all Up to 100x less load on client, up to 20 5Mpx cameras in live view Megapixel stream causes heavy load on the NVR Megapixel stream causes heavy load on client, framerate is going down, video turns to snapshots Client #1 Client #2 Client #3 Client #1 Client #2 Client #3
2.5 IPCorder and Smart Viewing I. Theory – the „James Bond“ effect 1280x x X X X X X X X X X X X X 240 Camera generates huge stream consisting of 1280x1024 pixels This huge stream is transmitted over network Computer receives the huge stream Computer decodes this 1280x1024 px stream Computer then resizes the stream to area that the user actually sees (eg. 320x240 pixels) IPCorder chooses the appropriate stream resolution based on space that is actually available on the user’s screen (IQinVision/Vivotek products) Camera sends out this stream (consisting of eg. 320x240 pixels) over network Computer receives this smaller stream Computer decodes this 320x240 px stream Computer may then slightly resize the image How competitors do that:How we do that: If the user observes 1280x1024 px screen resolution he sees:
2.6 IPCorder and smart viewing III. IPCorder, viewing and the „James Bond“ effect Original displayFull resolutionAfter zooming The user would like to observe a specific detail in his 3x4 Live View matrix To do that, he zooms on the detail by drawing a rectangle in the corresponding camera view At first the viewer applet just stretches the image (you can see „cubes“ in the image) After the applet receives first high resolution image, it switches to the high resolution stream and the „cubes“ disappear When the user zooms out the applet switches back to the lower resolution to save the decoding power on the Client
2.7 IPCorder and live view on the internet IPCorder Client automatically chooses apropriate stream to display Much less bandwidth usage Automatic router control Megapixel video streamed to 3 clients is over the uplink bandwith capacity of the most users The user gets very low fps image Client #1 Client #2 Client #3 Client #1 Client #2 Client #3
2.8 IPCorder has auto setup User has to setup NVR IPCorder will setup all the cameras (IP address, Passwords, MD) IPCorder will setup router for remote access Very short setup time, no problems during the installation. User has to setup IP Camera #1 User has to setup IP Camera #2 User has to setup IP Camera #3 User has to setup IP Camera #n User has to setup NVR User has to setup Router Installation cost & time Hard work for the installer ->
2.9 IPCorder has rule module and more I/O You can modify behaviour of IPCorder by integrated scripting language with click&control GUI User can display custom buttons on the UI to trigger automation functionalities from IPCorder IPCorder can connect many I/O devices and control them together with your videosurveillance system NVR user cannot change behaviour of the system. For example to open a door lock which is connected to the DO of the camera is impossible. Not a very good solution for users who wish to add small automation as a part of the system
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